Ángel Di María


New member
Why can't we get this guy? I know we want a right-footed LW. But considering on the RW, we have Messi drifting inward for Alves to overlap, wouldn't we want our LW to stick more on the sideline, since we don't want Abidal/Maxwell to go forward too much?
Plus, having a left-footed LW would bring diversities to the front line, isn't it?


Interista Paja Patak

75 mils on Di Maria? Fuck me sideways.. He is good player with good potential, but a bit overrated.. From what I've seen from him, he is just a fancy guy who would flop in a big club like Barca, just like Quaresma did...

We'll see what happens, the future will show... For now, he is not worth even close to 75 mils, he is not more than good player in average league...


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Pajo 75m pounds for Di Maria AND David Luiz. 40 for Maria and 35 for Luiz I think, still waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for any of them. City are starting to fuck up football :(


Improvin' Perfection!!
Di Maria = 20 & Luiz = 15 would be ideal call... but with all the hype around them I thought it might reach 30 & 20 respectively and here go the sheikhs!!


Interista Paja Patak
Pajo 75m pounds for Di Maria AND David Luiz. 40 for Maria and 35 for Luiz I think, still waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for any of them. City are starting to fuck up football :(

Lol, didn't see that Luiz, and i actually didn't read the article :lol:

Whatever, 40 is way too much as well, everything more than 15-20 mils is way too much..
As we know, usually those fancy Portuguese players flop in big teams, mostly, especially on young age, and i don't see Di Maria as one of those that can surprise...


Pajo 75m pounds for Di Maria AND David Luiz. 40 for Maria and 35 for Luiz I think, still waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much for any of them. City are starting to fuck up football :(

Starting? They already fucked things up.
Now that I think about it, Madrid also had their fair share..


Improvin' Perfection!!
major share galning...

but didn't laporta say he has 2 signings all but done!? so shouldn't make any difference to us imo

Cule Angles

Visca el filòsof!
Portuguese press are saying we're interested in Di Maria. It could well be Benfica using their media contacts to squeeze more money out of Perez and reial mandril but it's nice to hear of some interest from our end.

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