Andres Iniesta


i read all over the forum, De yong should have got read, blah blah..

Well, yes, De Jong did deserve red card, so as heitinga... But Iniesta deserved as well..


so did puyol... As i read all over internet, i share the same, Spain are FIFA boys...

I am sorry,but you are out of your mind....Spain were hard done by Webb....fact.

Here is a look at all the big decisions:

15' Robin van Persie booked for a heavy challenge on Joan Capdevila. Good decision

16' Carles Puyol booked for a tackle from behind on Arjen Robben. Good decision

22' Mark van Bommel booked for a bad tackle from behind on Andres Iniesta. Borderline red, should at least have been a final warning. Should then have gone for persistent fouling, and kicking the ball into a prone Xavi.

23' Sergio Ramos booked for a tit-for-tat trip on Dirk Kuyt. Good decision.

28' Nigel De Jong booked for planting his studs into Xabi Alonso's chest. Bad decision. A clear red card for an appalling challenge.

42' Wesley Sneijder not booked for planting his studs in Sergio Busquets's thigh.

54' Giovanni van Bronckhorst booked for a block on Sergio Ramos. Tame by this game's standards, but probably correct.

56' Johnny Heitinga booked for a strong challenge on David Villa. Good decision.

67' Joan Capdevila booked for a cynical foul on the marauding Robin van Persie. Good decision.

84' Arjen Robben booked for mouthing off to the referee. We don't know what Robben said, but he protested furiously.

92' Spain penalty appeal for an alleged foul by Joris Mathijsen on Xavi. Replays showed Xavi kicked Mathijsen and Webb got it right.

109' Johnny Heitinga second yellow card for pulling back Iniesta. Good decision, even though Iniesta made the most of it.

112' Gregory van der Wiel booked for a trip on Iniesta. Borderline, fairly tame.

114' Arjen Robben not shown a second yellow card for kicking the ball away after being correctly flagged offside.

115' Spanish goal-kick after Arjen Robben's free-kick takes a big deflection off the wall, and Iker Casillas also gets a touch. Terrible decision, how did referee and linesman both miss that?

116' Furious Dutch claims of a foul on Eljero Elia in the build-up to Iniesta's goal. Good decision by Webb, the substitute went down much too easily.

116' Half-hearted appeals for offside against both Cesc Fabregas and Iniesta for the goal. Both good decisions.

117' Andres Iniesta booked for removing his shirt after scoring. Good decision - the rules are the rules. But sad that Iniesta's tribute to Espanyol captain Dani Jarque, who died last year, earned the same punishment as De Jong's assault.

117' Joris Mathijsen booked for protesting Iniesta's goal by slamming the ball into the ground. Good decision

120' Xavi booked for kicking the ball away. Good decision.

Webb and his assistants did get most of the big decisions right, but that does not mean the referee had a good night. He failed to take firm control of the game, something at which he usually excels. His determination to keep 22 players on the pitch was clear early on, and both sides – particularly the Dutch - exploited that.

Perversely, Webb's lenient approach led to more cards than if he had made it clear he would not stand for any nonsense. Nobody likes to see a red card early in a big game, but if De Jong or Van Bommel had gone, you would need a particularly perverse mindset to blame the referee and not the players.

*It was the Dutch who tried to transform the game into a rugby fixture...and largely succeeded thanks to the leniency demonstrated be the English ref(who maybe thought that this was Blackpool vs. Stoke City)

The cards for Puyol and ramos were harsh for my money...

Spain are not FIFA boys....Spain are the best team in the world...


Interista Paja Patak
Dont have to reall all those minutes you wrote.. I just know what i saw, and i know although few more Holland players deserved red card, so did Iniesta and Puyol.. Puyol was rugby player ffs, while that little man who scored the winning goal is dirty as totti.. it is disgrace to revenge a tackle on other player when the ball isnt there, dont you agree? I dont want to start argue here, just want to point out my oppinions which are not as biased as yours, period...

I do agree that Spain are the best NT in the worlds, such as Barca is the best team in the world, but that does not mean they are not favoured or not dirsty or not hollywood actors... ;)


Look,the game went out of control because:

a)The Dutch knew they had no other chance.

b)The ref allowed them too...

The result was that Spain should fight fire with fire...otherwise they would have been run over and all their detractors would utter the following:

a)Spain are pussies that cannot deal with the physical aspects of the game..

b)You cannot win the World Cup by playing women's football.

The fault for the shape of the final purely lies on the cynical and filthy Dutch and the inane ref.

The Spaniards,more than anything else,wished for an open,attacking is always their rivals that do the utmost in preventing that from occurring....


Iniesta was lucky not to get red tbh and so did Puyol. But then again Holland should've had like 4 players sent off.


New member
that scumbag bommel stepped on iniesta's leg as if iniesta wasnt there.
which player on earth wouldnt react?

tbh, i wouldve lost it when de jong tried to imitate a ninja


Interista Paja Patak
Iniesta was lucky not to get red tbh and so did Puyol. But then again Holland should've had like 4 players sent off.

thats the spirit... i share the same thing, i just wanted somone to admit that Iniesta and Puyol did deserve to be sent off..

as i siad milion times before, i have never denied Spains quality, i deny other things they have, or dont have..


Mike the Knife
Pajo, you're letting your Barca/Spain hate keep you from seeing things in perspective, IMHO

1. De Jong & Van Bommel are incredibly 'lucky' to have escaped straight red cards...I'm sure if it had been Sneijder getting karate chopped like Alonso did by say Puyol, you lot would be livid and ready to start some riot...Yet, it seemed like you were ok with it....Very hypocritical, IMHO...Moreover, had Webb actually followed through on his warnings early on, the Dutch would've been down 1-2 men before the half.

2. As for Puyol's red, let's try to make a mountain out of a mole hill as you imply he is a dirty player...The same player who finished the World Cup ranked #3 by Castrol's ranking alone...Nevermind the fact that dirty and Puyol simply do not mesh, we are, after all, not talking about someone like Materrazzi...Game changes when Holland should've gone down by at least 1 man, maybe Puyol doesn't attempt to get his arm around Robben - who did not go down by the way...How can a player get a red let alone deserve one if he does not go down and still gets in on goal?...Of course, that speaks to Robben's problem in the first place...He dives so much that he knows he cannot simply go down on slight contact for fear of being booked...That's an issue Arjen would have only himself to blame since he alone is responsible for his rep...Although I do find it illuminating that you're focus is on Puyol who did nothing dirty and Iniesta who responded to a foul that was not called on a player (Van Bommel) who should've already been sent off.

Hell, don't take mine or other Barca/Spain fans for it...Just read around, the overwhelmingly majority of analysts and viewers etc. deemed the Dutch as thugs and Spain as clear cut deserving winners...One came to play football, the other did not...It's a refrain that we both are familiar with


Iniesta came up great , but does anyone else think that when he has the ball he is complicating FAR too much , he should just learn to shoot if he has a really good open position , it really frustrated me in the match.


Bomb Dropper


I should change my name to paul, eh?






Interista Paja Patak
Hey michael, hows it going?

No, i am not biased.. You all twist my words, intentionally or not... In this final, yes spain deserved to win. Spain/Barca is the best in the world, who denies that is ignorant...

My points is something else.. Spanish players are nearly saints like some claim they are. I liked spain, i even supported them in the euro 2008.. like them as nation, as people.. But i just cant stand this NT, particular this. I just want to point out that they are dirty, they are whiners and they are divers.. Imho, much worse than Italians, which is not easy to achieve, huh? :p

that was my point nothing else.. Believe me, saw them live, they were guets 1 year ago in Macedonia, won 2-3, and were losing 0-2 at HT... Their actions, their comments before and after the game, their diving in freaking FRIENDLY match against freaking MACEDONIA, made me to start them hating... Afterwards, the clash with inter, where i admit i am little biased there, although i tend to see the facts.. Sometimes you cant really do it.

Iniesta though, not only now, believe me i have always been saying he is dirty. Not only now, i have seen him on many occasions to do something stupid as he did yesterday. I dont deny his qualities, if those injuries were not that present IMHO he would have been the best, better than messi even... I just cant stand him, i just cant.. People tend to not see when he do something wrong since most of people, especially you guys see him as saint, and i find him as one of the worst characters in the football today, he is ok when barca/spain is winning, when they are not, he is as dirty as totti. There is no game for him where barca or spain loses, not to kick somone, small or big contact, hit somone or whatever..
Dont try to change my mind about him since i wont many of my friends were trying before... Even when i supported spain 2 years ago and before, Iniesta was somone who i really disliked...

btw, big LOL at Castrol's ranking, dont mention them please... :lol:


New member
i, started watching seria a in 1998. up until 2002.
totti is one of the dirtiest players around.
spitting, stamping on people...
please dont compare him to iniesta just because of that shove to the big bully.
and a few diving antics...


Pajo, I'm just curious. If you consider Iniesta a dirty player, how do you rank de jong, van bommel, felipe melo and others? Psychopaths?


Hey michael, hows it going?

No, i am not biased.. You all twist my words, intentionally or not... In this final, yes spain deserved to win. Spain/Barca is the best in the world, who denies that is ignorant...

My points is something else.. Spanish players are nearly saints like some claim they are. I liked spain, i even supported them in the euro 2008.. like them as nation, as people.. But i just cant stand this NT, particular this. I just want to point out that they are dirty, they are whiners and they are divers.. Imho, much worse than Italians, which is not easy to achieve, huh? :p

that was my point nothing else.. Believe me, saw them live, they were guets 1 year ago in Macedonia, won 2-3, and were losing 0-2 at HT... Their actions, their comments before and after the game, their diving in freaking FRIENDLY match against freaking MACEDONIA, made me to start them hating... Afterwards, the clash with inter, where i admit i am little biased there, although i tend to see the facts.. Sometimes you cant really do it.

Iniesta though, not only now, believe me i have always been saying he is dirty. Not only now, i have seen him on many occasions to do something stupid as he did yesterday. I dont deny his qualities, if those injuries were not that present IMHO he would have been the best, better than messi even... I just cant stand him, i just cant.. People tend to not see when he do something wrong since most of people, especially you guys see him as saint, and i find him as one of the worst characters in the football today, he is ok when barca/spain is winning, when they are not, he is as dirty as totti. There is no game for him where barca or spain loses, not to kick somone, small or big contact, hit somone or whatever..
Dont try to change my mind about him since i wont many of my friends were trying before... Even when i supported spain 2 years ago and before, Iniesta was somone who i really disliked...

btw, big LOL at Castrol's ranking, dont mention them please... :lol:

Wow saying Andres is a dirty as Totti just lost all your credibility in your post.


Mike the Knife
Hey michael, hows it going?

I'm good, how are you? :wave:

No, i am not biased.. You all twist my words, intentionally or not... In this final, yes spain deserved to win. Spain/Barca is the best in the world, who denies that is ignorant...

You are biased though, Pajo...Sorry, it's true...You know I've been a resident over at the Inter forum and I know the hatred/bias runs pretty deep...As Barca fans we too feel a bit raw about our tie but you don't see thread after thread slating Inter, Italia or Inter's players.

Read around, check the papers etc. and no one is boasting how great Holland was or how 'undeserving' Spain was...Universally, it's been repeated that football & Spain were the winners last night

My points is something else.. Spanish players are nearly saints like some claim they are. I liked spain, i even supported them in the euro 2008.. like them as nation, as people.. But i just cant stand this NT, particular this. I just want to point out that they are dirty, they are whiners and they are divers.. Imho, much worse than Italians, which is not easy to achieve, huh? :p

You need to keep a little perspective however and the easiest way I could describe it is for you to imagine the Spanish players were Inter for a moment...Were it Sneijder, Samu & Milito getting stomped and karate chopped around in the opening half, how livid would you be for there still to be XI Dutch players on the pitch?

You want to complain about the whining and diving yet sweep under the rug that they were the best side in the world...for years now...That they dominate possession and scoring chances...That the only way to unlock Spain/Barca, is to knock them off the ball - essentially a hatchet job...Where in football is that actually part of the game?...Do I like players making a meal out of contact to actually win a call?...No, absolutely not....And I don't think you'll find many defending the tactics of Inter's enemy #1, Busquets...However, to dismiss his quality/superiority or the rest of Spain/Barca over the opposition is merely ignoring the overall picture...You don't like a player making a meal out of contact?...How do you feel, first, about the opposition hacking their way through Spain/Barca?...Can't have it both ways..You remove the hack attack, you likely remove the making a meal out of contact, as well.

Mostly, however, you're ignoring the overall superiority of the skills of Spain/Barca...In terms of pure football, no one apart from Inter or Dutch fans (And not even all of them) are going to suggest the Netherlands were or have been superior to Spain...The gap in quality is clear and that's evidenced by how much they've been winning

that was my point nothing else.. Believe me, saw them live, they were guets 1 year ago in Macedonia, won 2-3, and were losing 0-2 at HT... Their actions, their comments before and after the game, their diving in freaking FRIENDLY match against freaking MACEDONIA, made me to start them hating... Afterwards, the clash with inter, where i admit i am little biased there, although i tend to see the facts.. Sometimes you cant really do it.

I didn't see the Macedonia match so I couldn't comment...As for the Inter tie, Barca fans have their complaints too, Pajo...And for a fan of the side that won and won CL, you lot seem to do far more complaining than we do...And, quite frankly, that speaks to some inferiority complex, IMHO

Iniesta though, not only now, believe me i have always been saying he is dirty. Not only now, i have seen him on many occasions to do something stupid as he did yesterday. I dont deny his qualities, if those injuries were not that present IMHO he would have been the best, better than messi even... I just cant stand him, i just cant.. People tend to not see when he do something wrong since most of people, especially you guys see him as saint, and i find him as one of the worst characters in the football today, he is ok when barca/spain is winning, when they are not, he is as dirty as totti. There is no game for him where barca or spain loses, not to kick somone, small or big contact, hit somone or whatever..

Come on Pajo, Iniesta dirty?...I'll give you that of late (Especially against the Suisse) he's developed a bad habit of falling over too easily and occasionally diving...But dirty?...English may not be your first language but dirty is not a word that anyone should use with Andres...You can reserve that for players who actually are, like say a Van Bommel...If you can't stand him, so be it but calling him dirty merely suggests bias as no one would ever use that description of him.

btw, big LOL at Castrol's ranking, dont mention them please... :lol:

As of now, it's the only legit ranking for players and it's a lot easier to dismiss them when they are typically loaded with Barca/Spain players :hooray:

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