David Villa


Flair Trait
It would be 16.1 million euros if the next player we buy was willing to not be paid any wages, life isn't as simple as that though.
5m? What a joke.

2.1 million euros right now + 2 million if he stays next season + 1 million if he stays the season after that and 50% of any transfer fee in the future.

So it's not even 5m up front? Wow...

Dat management :worthy:
Dem transfer skills :worthy:
Zubi :worthy:
Rosell :worthy:

Not too pissed about losing him though (but the price is another story). Thiago's the one we really need to keep, but knowing Tito and management, I wouldn't be surprised if they made no effort whatsoever to keep him...

Btw, I have to say, good move for Villa.
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New member
Dumb by management but atleast its strengthening a la liga team. I'm kinda pro-atletico so good for them. Now they gotta make more wise decisions with the falcao transfer.


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
It would be 16.1 million euros if the next player we buy was willing to not be paid any wages, life isn't as simple as that though.

No, it's 16.1 million euros regardless, because the money that would have been spent on Villa's wages can be used for that next player's wages...


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
Because it's an extra 11 million euros? In the winter break, I wouldn't have been mad with selling Villa for 15 million, because honestly he's hasn't been worth much more than that this season, and I doubt he ever will.


Flair Trait
So obviously you think selling a player with high wages is a good deal regardless of the transfer fee? That's too optimistic for my taste.


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
I think in this particular case, it's fine. Villa probably wouldn't offer us too much next season, (considering how many players are ahead of him) and we'd have to sell him for even less if he stayed another season. I think what happened is that Atletico said, "Either give him to us for this price or don't give him to us at all" and selling him now is better than selling him in a season.


New member
So obviously you think selling a player with high wages is a good deal regardless of the transfer fee? That's too optimistic for my taste.

Yeah, getting rid of high wages doesn't mean that you shouldn't care about the fee. It could have been 10-12m + wages which would have been better.

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