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  • Yeah, unbelievably good :worthy:

    Been pretty busy lately, haven't been able to play much but finished TLOU on hard and it was god-like.
    Nice. I'll check it out. Currently im on PDF(Pak defence forum), here and

    Will check out pakgamers.
    Nice to meet you.

    Actually my mom is from Karachi, dad from Lahore, but I usually stay in Lahore whenever I visit Pakistan.

    If you dont mind me asking, how old are you?
    Yeah man. Pakistani, born and currently living in Norway.

    Am from Lahore.
    It has some insane launch titles like Watch dogs and Infamous but i'll wait for E3 to see if I get it at launch.

    I'm not getting Xbox no matter how good it is, even if it's some fucking VR shit. Fucking hate that company.
    I think it looks fantastic tbh. Since it's Naughty Dog you can expect it to be good.

    I know man :( games were cheap then too. And the variety :worthy:

    What did you think bout the PS4, I think it looks awesome.
    Ya infinite was badass.

    I can't wait for The Last of Us :worthy:

    I play A LOT of Fifa with friends, but I want it next gen now.
    I'm a massive Playstation and Kaz fan too, I lold hard at dem Kaz gifs!

    Added you. Sure thing man.
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