Daniel Alves



Instead of 1.5M less, they could offer 500 mil less, see if he accepts it. To lose him for wages it's unacceptable, for me. He's just vital for us.


Senior Member
I think who would replace Alves is the BIGGGGG question? I think he will go-the club will sell him in Jan. IMO this would be a HUGE mistake for both the Club and the player. Alves would not like it in England or even Italy and where would he go in Spain? RM? I dont think he is that stupid or money hungry. So he goes to Man City? Well first Mancini is a defensive manager and secondly he would hate the style of football, the food, the weather everything. The man is made for Barca and I dont want to see Adriano replace him. At the moment Adriano looks like the only replacement for him unless we put Puyol at right back and bring in Batra or Fontas at CB.

I say the management should meet him halfway. He brings the right attacking dimension to the team. I dont see anyone else doing what he does. If he goes in Jan we will be looking for another basement bargain like Afellay.


previously known as Jonathan28
in the next couple of days,we will see some rumors linking us with Van der Wiel from the club to put some pressure on Dani.

Omg, how could I forget him? The perfect replcement for Alves. If we get him I actually wouldn't mind losing Alves.


Senior Member
Prefer Phillipe Lanhm or Ivanovic from Chelsea but that would be waaay to expensive so it wont happen. Van der Wiel???? Hmm-I've only seen a few of his games-doesnt look like Barca material but like I said I havent seen enough of him.


New member
Omg, how could I forget him? The perfect replcement for Alves. If we get him I actually wouldn't mind losing Alves.
Are you Dutch? You seem to have quite a fascination for Dutch players (Afellay, Van der Wiel)? ;)

Besides, I think people are seriously underestimating the importance of Alves in our team; if they think we can find a RB who'll be able to deliver immediately what Alves does. It will take months before he'll have built a similar understanding with Leo, Xavi etc.; and even then, it's not guaranteed at all that he'd ever be able to reach Alves' level. Alves is truly unique, not even Maicon could replace him.


Senior Member
Maicon is ordinary anyway. Gareth Bale of all players made him look stupid. Alves is much better but I think he wants the big bucks and is ready to move elsewhere to get them.


Are you Dutch? You seem to have quite a fascination for Dutch players (Afellay, Van der Wiel)? ;)

Besides, I think people are seriously underestimating the importance of Alves in our team; if they think we can find a RB who'll be able to deliver immediately what Alves does. It will take months before he'll have built a similar understanding with Leo, Xavi etc.; and even then, it's not guaranteed at all that he'd ever be able to reach Alves' level. Alves is truly unique, not even Maicon could replace him.
Dani is irreplaceable. He has to stay.


previously known as Jonathan28
Are you Dutch? You seem to have quite a fascination for Dutch players (Afellay, Van der Wiel)? ;)

Besides, I think people are seriously underestimating the importance of Alves in our team; if they think we can find a RB who'll be able to deliver immediately what Alves does. It will take months before he'll have built a similar understanding with Leo, Xavi etc.; and even then, it's not guaranteed at all that he'd ever be able to reach Alves' level. Alves is truly unique, not even Maicon could replace him.

No, I'm not Dutch, but my Gf is and she's got me in love with the eredivise. :D I am a big fan of the dutch league and players. I see potential in lots of them. Afellay and Van der Wiel especially. You may not believe me now but in 5 years time, you'll remember these comments about Van der Wiel and realise that I was right.


New member
No, I'm not Dutch, but my Gf is and she's got me in love with the eredivise. :D I am a big fan of the dutch league and players. I see potential in lots of them. Afellay and Van der Wiel especially. You may not believe me now but in 5 years time, you'll remember these comments about Van der Wiel and realise that I was right.
We don't need players that 'll be good in 5 years though; (if he would come to replace Dani), we need him to be top-class immediately.


previously known as Jonathan28
We don't need players that 'll be good in 5 years though; (if he would come to replace Dani), we need him to be top-class immediately.

Well he will be top class, him and Santon will be the two best fullbacks in the world. I say buy him and mould him into an Alves clone since he's still very young. Thats if Alves leaves.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
I like Van der Wiel he's been decent everytime i've seen him i also think Lahm is really good aswell not so sure if there as good as Dani though


previously known as Jonathan28
So guys the PSV vs Ajax game is a match where we'll see both Afellay and Van der Wiel in action, maybe even up against each other.


The good
Brilliant post from Ramzi Tanani on a blog
I’ve already posted my 5 cents about this matter, so I will avoid repeating myself. But it worth pointing out Alves contribution in the system of play.

This post reminded me of a Gif I made once on ************, and it sum up Alves defense. So its relevant to start from there:


If Xavi is the living prototype that represent Barcelona’s method of play concerning possession and build up, Alves id the living prototype that represent Barcelona’s method of defense. That defense method that is extremely underrated outside Barca’s orbit. Why? Because it goes unnoticed when it work, but it turns as bold as Messi’s talent.

Is it true that Barca’s defense is easier to expose via counter attacks than traditional defense? You bet. Because while in another team all the lines -relatively-forget the ball and the player in possession while defending and make a fast transition backward to close their own half, Barcelona players are clearly instructed to hold their positions in the opponent half and try to retain possession there. Anyone think there is a defender who can run more than Alves? Not in this world. So there is no doubt that in traditional defense system he can make the fastest transition back to his own half if that’s what’s needed. But is it? Now check this one:


This is not exactly how we play. But I am more pointing out that while we defend by putting pressure, the defense depth and cover are the two vital layers of or defense onion. To evaluate Alves defensive contribution, we need to define the defensive department he is employed to serve. Is he a player who contribute in putting pressure overseas, same as Messi and co? Is he a player responsible of covering behind that first layer of defense (as a holding back should be)? Or a defender who create depth (The best Abidal role)? If we do not define his department, we cant evaluate his contribution.

Even though, he is more an overseas defender at Barcelona, Alves is probably the only player who contribute most in the three departments only second to the holding midfielders when at their best (And Keita when he is really in his day).

Compare his contribution in Cover and depth when the initial pressure fails to retain possession, and compare it to the defensive contribution of Xavi, Iniesta, and the rest of overseas “defenders”.

Compare his contribution in overseas defense Vs Zonal defense to that’s of any other defender we employ.

Alves depend in the three departments of defense we have. It is not valid to compare him to another player who contribute in one, or almost two. Of course we can buy a defender who make faster direct transition to close the right flank. But then you will need a player to defend in front of him, or else you invite the opponent to counter from that side. Automatically, That will also limit the offense threat of that flank. Maybe, if it wasnt of Alves predicted threat on the right flank, Villarreal coach would have had more resources to shut down Barca’s right wing (Pedro) instead of structuring his tactics to close Alves path to offense? Good question. And of course we can find lot of samples where Alves contributed in goal scoring opportunities this season. Not contributing in one doesnt indicate a lot. Even Xavi is not a contributor in each and every goal the team scores.

The other fold, is the build up contribution where Alves become a play maker from the right flank. It is interesting that for all his explosive style he is still not exactly a player with narrow direct style as fullbacks usually are: Defend, overlap, cross. He is crucial in the buildup the way Barca execute it, and I cant think of another fullback who can replace that.

Van der Wiel is the most mentioned replacement. But is he really half as good as Alves in buildup and offense? Because that’s the only argument to build on. His defense? If being caught out of position is the main critic against Alves, then watch Robinho goal against Netherlands in the world cup.

Will Barcelona relegate if Alves leave? No. Is there a good cheaper replacement? I dont know. No one I can think of at least. I am just trying to give credit where due. Alves has his bad catastrophic days as well as glory moments. But his overall contribution across the season. His contribution in improving the performance of his teammates (including Messi). That’s beyond doubts.

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