Daniel Alves


Mike the Knife
Just another virtuoso performance and reminder of just how valuable that playing telepathy he shares with Leo remains


New member
Alves "I'll do everything i can to stay"

Contractdiscussion ended.. Video can be seen on the barcelona hp. Come in my arms dani!


Staff member
Sandro is meeting with Dani in France. Hopefully it will help resolving the issues regarding the contract.


I wonder if the FIFA financial fair play rules that are coming up will have any effect at all? Players who wait to sign long-term deals until after the new rules come into effect could be costing themselves a lot of money. This consideration could help the club in their current negotiations with Alves.


Mike the Knife
Yeah, I read that last night...One of the few things that really makes Spain look like a 3rd world country, for me...Racism is alive & well in España


Senior Member
Rasism is stupid..if a african goes to spain he gets hit by racism, and when the spanish racist goes to a further north country, he gets hit by racism in turn. All the "ultras" would probably be met by the racism from Swedish racists.
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Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
No goal.com links allowed.

I am disappointed by Alves' comments! He is resigned to it! Why not do something to fight against it!

At least Thierry Henry did something about it and fought back!

Speaking of being disappointed, I'm surprised Rijkaard and FC Barcelona didn't do more to fight against. Especially with Barcelona having the only black manager in La Liga at the time Etio'o and Ronaldinho were getting abuse!

I am also surprised that Carlos Kameni hasn't hasn't done more to fight against it! Weren't his own fans abusing him at one point a few years ago.

And I really don't understand some Spanish fans behaving in such a primitive narrow minded way. Have they been abroad into northern European countries, even Britain. If they have I'm sure they will experience racism against themselves, and maybe have an Epiphany. It really is a stupid mindset to have. Alves is right, it is usually the poorly educated that behave in this way.

A lot more can be done to fight against it in football. Just look at England in the 60's & 70's and look at it now!


New member
Yeah, I read that last night...One of the few things that really makes Spain look like a 3rd world country, for me...Racism is alive & well in España

Unfortunately, I myself have personally experienced racism when I was living in Madrid over the summer. On the other hand, I had no problems when I visited Barcelona...

La Furia

Legion of Doooom
Yeah, I read that last night...One of the few things that really makes Spain look like a 3rd world country, for me...Racism is alive & well in España

Racism is alive and well everywhere sadly, the Spanish are just more openly hostile to different races due to a lack of history of exposure.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
Unfortunately, I myself have personally experienced racism when I was living in Madrid over the summer. On the other hand, I had no problems when I visited Barcelona...

I'm sorry man. What happened?

It's stupid. I even know South Americans who have experienced problems with it in Spain.

Barcelona is a very cosmopolitan city.
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Mike the Knife
At the risk of getting a little mushy, that's one of the reasons why I like message boards like this...People from all around the globe...Different religions, races, languages, cultures etc...Yet all tied into the game, it's kewl...I never could wrap my head around racism/prejudice

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