Frank Rijkaard


New member
The difference between Western and Eastern Europe in terms of working there is pretty huge (I know well the mentality differences), so he's not the first so called "big name" who fails in this part of the continent. Even the current world champion failed in Besiktas years ago. It's a pretty big dissapointment tho, because he had a lot of star players at his disposal and he still managed to underperform in the league, plus his performance in Europe this season was a nothing but a disaster.

I wonder if he still remains a pick for the big clubs or maybe now he'll have to start building up his reputation again, because this sack is hurtful. But I guess he could still rely on his titles with Barcelona, although he surely needs some success soon, if he wants to see his career progressing in a proper way.
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New member
Don't forget this man too, I'm telling ya. Frank without Ten Cate would be like Gang Starr without Primo.



A masterpiece of DNA
The difference between Western and Eastern Europe in terms of working there is pretty huge (I know well the mentality differences), so he's not the first so called "big name" who fails in this part of the continent. Even the current world champion failed in Besiktas years ago. It's a pretty big dissapointment tho, because he had a lot of star players at his disposal and he still managed to underperform in the league, plus his performance in Europe this season was a nothing but a disaster.



New member
Roy Hodgson blasted an attack on Franky:

"Frank Rijkaard has just been sacked from Galatasaray - he must be a great manager to have been sacked by Galatasaray!"

He's not showing any class at all. He's attacking him, when Franky didn't say even one word in the press about the possibility of taking charge of Liverpool. But I have to admit, I will laugh my ass out if Frank really replace Hodgson as a Liverpool manager, taking into account what Roy just said. But I guess he's just a little worried, isn't he.


hello barca fans =)

iam a supporter from Galatasaray, and i am really disappointed how the thing ended with Gala and Rijkaard. Rijkaard ist for me the best Coach of the World. he doesnt make a show oh his Charackter like Mourinho, he thinks the show must be on the field, and wants to play an attrative game. I am also a Barca supporter, not cause they re succesful at 2004 no, for me the way they are... I loved Cruyff and Neeskens, they played football on other dimension, and not like other great football players, they gave the style to other generations like how Ajax played in the early of the 90s or Ac Milan...etc^^

so for me the dutch football is very importand, coz they showed the world, the name of the team dont need to be Brazil, if you can play simple, then you can make everything true in the crazy football world.

and it wasnt Rijkaards blame with Gala. We all know that the System, that rijkaard wants to play, needs a little of time, it is not important if you have the talents of the world or not, the Total Fotball System is something wo needs a time, coz for this tactic you must be one good team. And we dont gave him time either good players...It was our President who finished the things earlier as last month. He fired our Football Director, who was a young man, that was so energetic and with a charisma, that he could get Stars like Elano and Keita to us, who also win over Rijkaard, they would make a new Barcelona, i mean rijkaard is not a no name, Rijkaard coul coach everywhere he wants, but Rijkaard is also a Soul Man, he follows his instincts and the money is not the most important thing for him.

But we as Galatasaray failed, i hope we meets again, with the old Football Director and other President, who buys football players and not some shitty hobby kickers. And i have 2 Teams now, and will Support Rijkkards new Team if its not real :D

we dont earnd such a great guy like rijkaard =)

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