Antoine Griezmann

Looks like he is in a 90 minute Rondo session when he plays for us. Simple,easiest, keep ball pass, all the time. Rinse repeat. No dribbles, shots, through balls, one twos. Has played all 3 positions in the front 3 so no excuse. Come on Fortnite, you are better than this.


Danger Ahead
Buying Griezmann would have made sense if Suarez were leaving, now Suarez, Messi and Griezmann trio will be ugly, it's so unbalanced.


Staff member
Not Griezmann fault we have a magician at our helm that managed to make best players of EPL and Bundesliga look like lost babies at Barca.

On the other side Hendersons and Origis are made world-class. :lol:


Mike the Knife
I have said consistently that he's a great player but was not a great fit, simply because his best position is where Leo plays. Probably why there were so many rumours during last season that players were not supportive of the Griezz pursuit anyway.

So just to recap, the scandalous way Neymar was initially signed left the club in disrepute - only to leave the club and the board to squander the huge transfer kitty he left behind. Adding insult to injury, another 120M on a luxury player rather than specific need. All the while, maintaining the same coach that has not seen one player improve under him

Not sure why anyone can be shocked at the state of things atm


Senior Member
So I missed the match because I got married. Messi didn’t play right? But Griezmann played LW...?

Do any of the fucking monkeys in charge realize that Griezmann played the same exact position as Messi for the past 5 years...??? Sooooo when Messi is not playing Griezmann should play in that spot? This club is crumbling. Fast.
So I missed the match because I got married. Messi didn’t play right? But Griezmann played LW...?

Do any of the fucking monkeys in charge realize that Griezmann played the same exact position as Messi for the past 5 years...??? Sooooo when Messi is not playing Griezmann should play in that spot? This club is crumbling. Fast.

Griez played LW first half , then RW second half. Ineffectual both sides. Also doing that weird thing where he was hugging the touchline again, miles from goal.

Also, congratulations on your wedding, hope it went well


Senior Member
We are so bad that I would like to see a lineup from the last season, just to check:
= Whether a lineup from the last season still works?
1. If yes, that would mean that Griezz and Frenkie (and Semedo as a RB) are adding different things to a team but are ruinning an automatism and chemistry which a team had.
In the last 180 minutes, we created 2 shots on goal. We were NEVER this bad.
2. If the old lineup from the last season would suck now, that would mean that a whole team deteriorated even more, and it is not on different movement and style of new players.

So, we have 3 new starters.
Let's test which one of those has ruined our automatism the most.

Before people will reply: we didn't have automatism last season.
We sucked against Liverpool.
But we were okish against Mickey Mouse La liga teams.
We won back to back La ligas.
There is no chance that we will win anything with these 3 new starters, where 2 of them look particularly horrible and lost in attack.

This is similar to Pep in 2011'.
A good team turning into a weaker team after trying to shoehorn Fabregas into a team in 2012 and changing lineups, formations and positions in that process.
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New member
If he's to be confined to the left wing, they should have saved the money and patched the squad with Neymar instead. Because long term tha shirt is Fati's.

33-year-old Suarez will be a starting statue all season long again, Griezmann will play the Coutinho 2.0 role. He'd better start learning German already because we all know where that will lead....


New member
If he can not replace Suarez, it will be tough for him. Speedy winger has been a tradition in the football world. And in this pressing era it's even more important because when teams press high they leave a lot of space behind. Having a speedy winger is very useful. Even if GM has very good shooting skill. Oppose with him, Dembele doesn't shoot as good as him but he is a speedster and dribbler.


Senior Member
What is worse, Griezmann looks even worse than Coutinho.

Coutinho at least had dribbles and his longshot.

I want to see Fati-Suarez-Messi and Roberto as a Rb.
And see whether a team will still create 2 shots per match.


Well-known member
How to turn one of the best forwards in the world in shithouse... Call EV at 00#00 and say "remember Cou?"

He can't be this bad suddenly...


Senior Member
EV can't be guilty for absolutely everything and for every player.

Griezmann is coming from:
1. Atletico's team. Majority of their players look way better in their system and usually flop in other teams
2. He was their star player, their Messi. Every ball was passed to him and he had a free role.
We don't have a SS position, we play differently than Atletico and teammates surrounding him are different.

Even under Pep, we bought a lot of players who needed to play in a different position and in a different system and they failed.

1. Zlatan
= played better before and after Barca than under Pep.
Is Pep a bad coach or Zlatan was a bad fit?
2. Cesc
= played better at Arsenal, where he had a different role and was a star midfielder.
Is Pep a bad coach or Cesc was a bad fit for us?
3. Hleb, the same
4. Affellay, the same

All these players were awesome in their former teams.
At Barca they were bad to average.

You guys will say that EV ruined all players.
Ok, he has surely ruined some things.
But some players are just bad (Malcom), dumb (Dumbele), braindead in attack (Semedo) or the worst fit in the history of football (Coutinho and Coutinho vol 2, Griezmann).
A bad fit was a bad fit even under Pep, remember that.

Again, even if you were coaches, where would you play Griezmann in 433?
He is obviously meh as a No9.
He is bad as a LW.
He is bad as a RW.

So, he can be either:
1. Average No9, worse than Suarez
2. Or we can play him as a SS which will totally ruin our formation

EV could be guilty in Griezmann's case only for guys who think that he is good as a NO9.

Serghei implied that I said that Griezz is a bad player.
No, he is not.
1. But being a good player
2. And being a good fit for a team are two different things
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Senior Member
Play him centrally or sell him in January.

His strengths like his incredible link-up play, intelligent movement in the box, soft first touch and lethal close range finishing are completely wasted as an isolated figure on the flanks. At least Coutinho was a better dribbler and had played as a LW regularly at Liverpool. Griezmann's winger days are long behind him and only did he become world class at Atletico playing centrally as a SS.

His pace is quite average and his dribbling metrics are atrocious by any standard. You cannot expect him to stretch the play.

Quite easy to blame Valverde for this mishap, but he has no input on these big money signings. Messi, Suarez and Antoine are our three best forwards and it is only reasonable to expect the coach to try and fit all three of them in the XI initially at least.


EV can't be guilty for absolutely everything and for every player.

It's understandable that you've been trying to defend your favorites, specially Valverde, but the time has already passed on "lamenting" about players who were unsuccessful a decade ago.
It's NOT a statistically significant TREND man, and you have to realize that by comments like this, you only show out one of your several weaknesses in understanding football as such.

This game is a TEAM-sport, where often mediocre individual players can form a good and successful TEAM, and often teams, consisting brilliant individual players can also fail miserably.
Because it is the TEAM, trained and kept together by the boss, the coach, if great individual players FAIL to form a team, it is ALWAYS the fault and responsibility of the COACH, who represents the entire team - as a collective, as a team.

Games like the one yesterday are lost NOT due to the bad individual qualities and form of the players, but DUE TO the undeniable LACK of TACTICS, IMAGINATION, CREATIVITY of the COACH!

The time has passed when Valverde could be defended in any way or manner, probably it happened right after Anfield.
The fiasco of not winning the Copa was just a bonus on his list, as it became obvious for EVERYONE - objectively attached to this particular team - that Valverde is simply lacking the qualities and capabilities to train this team.

When you try to lament about the past and try to dig out examples of individual footballers from a decade ago, you simply admit that you have no clue about the tactical part, neither about how a trainer should ENTHUSE or MOTIVATE his team to be successful.

Some players play bad, some play good, but it doesn't matter. The team as a team is horrible.
What matters is the OVERALL Barca game-play that has NOT been as bad as now, since most of us are watching the team!

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