Xavi Hernández

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Senior Member
Barca flourished when there was a balon d'or attacker in team. We aint winning shit on cl stage until that happens.


Senior Member
Whomever we lure to the club will underperform once he gets here, due to the Hernandez brothers being in charge. 👍😂

Talk about getting a free pass in life. Oscar, who knows shit about football, is getting paid millions to assist our management. 🤣

One of the brainchildren behind our brand of football is Oscar “I don’t deserve to be here” Hernandez. 😅

Only four dudes on this forum approve. 🫢


Senior Member
Whomever we lure to the club will underperform once he gets here, due to the Hernandez brothers being in charge. 👍😂

Talk about getting a free pass in life. Oscar, who knows shit about football, is getting paid millions to assist our management. 🤣

One of the brainchildren behind our brand of football is Oscar “I don’t deserve to be here” Hernandez. 😅

Only four dudes on this forum approve. 🫢
Our attacking players are shit compared to europes very best. Put mbappe in front and barca even with hernandez bros becomes a total different animal, heavy cl contender and a team to beat.


Senior Member
Our attacking players are shit compared to europes very best. Put mbappe in front and barca even with hernandez bros becomes a total different animal, heavy cl contender and a team to beat.
We have a Brazilian NT regular. Then a Portuguese regular. A Polish regular (a former GOAT striker). And a Spanish NT regular.

Xavi is the problem. Not the squad. But yes, Mbappe would make any team better (including City). I agree.


Senior Member
Talk about getting a free pass in life. Oscar, who knows shit about football, is getting paid millions to assist our management. 🤣
I somehow don’t trust your insight into human nature… probably because you are a racist piece of shit.

Did you measure his skull or why do you know how much of a clue Oscar has?


Senior Member
I somehow don’t trust your insight into human nature… probably because you are a racist piece of shit.

Did you measure his skull or why do you know how much of a clue Oscar has?
Damn dude. Chill out with the labeling. 🤣
It’s ok, we’ve all had a few beers too many. 🫢

It’s only Oscar we’re talking about here. I haven’t even mentioned your mom. 😁😂 Is she hot? 😜

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
After Coutinho, Dembele and Griezmann we all said never again but here we are only a few years later and we have made the same mistake ... this time with Ferran, Raphinha and Lewandowski. We again have bought players not good enough, who don't fit our style, nor fill the attributes we lack within the team, most notably pace.

Spending 170m on those 3 is what will end up being the undoing of Xavi. ( You can even add Kounde to that.) And honestly, he is to blame. He insisted on them all. Pulling levers to spend 170m on a new front line is fine, but you got to make sure those transfers are a 7/8 out of 10 at the minimum, but I'd give those three no more than a 3 out of 10.

And that's the crux of the reason why we find ourselves in this position today, watching poor, tepid football where getting a shot on target is seen as some sort of achievement.


Senior Member
After Coutinho, Dembele and Griezmann we all said never again but here we are only a few years later and we have made the same mistake ... this time with Ferran, Raphinha and Lewandowski. We again have bought players not good enough, who don't fit our style, nor fill the attributes we lack within the team, most notably pace.

Spending 170m on those 3 is what will end up being the undoing of Xavi. ( You can even add Kounde to that.) And honestly, he is to blame. He insisted on them all. Pulling levers to spend 170m on a new front line is fine, but you got to make sure those transfers are a 7/8 out of 10 at the minimum, but I'd give those three no more than a 3 out of 10.

And that's the crux of the reason why we find ourselves in this position today, watching poor, tepid football where getting a shot on target is seen as some sort of achievement.
Ironic that of all the transfers under Xavi, the best one was Christensen who came on a free... who is now being benched by Inigo because he isn't Spanish.


Senior Member
After Coutinho, Dembele and Griezmann we all said never again but here we are only a few years later and we have made the same mistake ... this time with Ferran, Raphinha and Lewandowski. We again have bought players not good enough, who don't fit our style, nor fill the attributes we lack within the team, most notably pace.

Spending 170m on those 3 is what will end up being the undoing of Xavi. ( You can even add Kounde to that.) And honestly, he is to blame. He insisted on them all. Pulling levers to spend 170m on a new front line is fine, but you got to make sure those transfers are a 7/8 out of 10 at the minimum, but I'd give those three no more than a 3 out of 10.

And that's the crux of the reason why we find ourselves in this position today, watching poor, tepid football where getting a shot on target is seen as some sort of achievement.

This is your answer

Whomever we lure to the club will underperform once he gets here, due to the Hernandez brothers being in charge. 👍😂

Apart from granny Lewa, who is 50+5 m of levers down the drain (and that is 100% on the Catalan Lampard's stubbornness to get a 'proven number 9' no matter the age),

ALL the others could have played much better if we had a proper coach to actually coach them.
And when I say ALL I mean ALL. Even people we shipped that looked kind of off for Barca, like Kessie, could thrive in a proper role handed by a proper coach.
It's not an accident that only Dembele looked good under Xavi. What he does is all instictive (run and dribble in/out a player), not the result of any coaching

No need to mention examples again. Look at the players coached by Pep, Klopp, Arteta, etc how they look in other teams under meh coaches.
THE COACH makes the BIGGEST difference
It's 2023 and you guys after watching so many football should have understood that by now


Senior Member
Plus, the usual suspects continue perpetuating the stupid line that 'only Pep can do better than Xavi'
because supposedly he is the only WC coach that 'knows the Barca DNA' and has won titles at top level
As if someone coaching Ajax or Brighton or Feyenoord is expected to win the CL to be given a chance at Barca.

And the most ridiculous is that all these who say that are the same who had no problem whatsoever giving the first team to someone who was coaching in fucking Qatar before, or prefer Marquez now compared to an outsider with a track record of playing the football we want.

Honestly, have you ever worked in your life for any company? Have you had interviews and sent CVs around?
Don't you know how it is to be judged on merit and experience?
This has been happening in football the last decade, and now MORE than ever before.
But some narrow-minded minds refuse to let that happen to Barca as well


Senior Member
This is your answer

Apart from granny Lewa, who is 50+5 m of levers down the drain (and that is 100% on the Catalan Lampard's stubbornness to get a 'proven number 9' no matter the age),

ALL the others could have played much better if we had a proper coach to actually coach them.
And when I say ALL I mean ALL. Even people we shipped that looked kind of off for Barca, like Kessie, could thrive in a proper role handed by a proper coach.
It's not an accident that only Dembele looked good under Xavi. What he does is all instictive (run and dribble in/out a player), not the result of any coaching

No need to mention examples again. Look at the players coached by Pep, Klopp, Arteta, etc how they look in other teams under meh coaches.
THE COACH makes the BIGGEST difference
It's 2023 and you guys after watching so many football should have understood that by now
Well said. 👍


Senior Member
This is your answer

Apart from granny Lewa, who is 50+5 m of levers down the drain (and that is 100% on the Catalan Lampard's stubbornness to get a 'proven number 9' no matter the age),

ALL the others could have played much better if we had a proper coach to actually coach them.
And when I say ALL I mean ALL. Even people we shipped that looked kind of off for Barca, like Kessie, could thrive in a proper role handed by a proper coach.
It's not an accident that only Dembele looked good under Xavi. What he does is all instictive (run and dribble in/out a player), not the result of any coaching

No need to mention examples again. Look at the players coached by Pep, Klopp, Arteta, etc how they look in other teams under meh coaches.
THE COACH makes the BIGGEST difference
It's 2023 and you guys after watching so many football should have understood that by now
Imagine dembele under pep, klopp or arteta would have ironed out his overall game long ago


Senior Member
Listen, Xavi is not some incredible hero. He is a young, committed manager that surpassed expectations so far by winning a La Liga title against a superior team in Madrid. This is the reason he gets credit, for a just cause. Don't even get me to justify the many areas in which Madrid are superior to current Barca. It's fecking obvious.

Xavi did plenty so far. Plenty.

Only team that did an impressive job other than Barca at the top level is Arsenal in recent season by mounting a title challenge vs City late in the season. And Napoli, but they declined fast this season. Other teams, including Liverpool with mighty Klopp at the helm and their 7th place finish, have dropped their level in the last year or so by a serious degree.

There is no great example to be looked at and admired. Even mighty Bayern should have had a shite season if not for the usual Dortmund bottlejob vs Mainz at home in the last round last season. PSG crap too compared to their funds and the players they have.

All of that taken into context, Barca fans have have little to really moan about. The only reason they moan a lot is that they reminice about previous golden Barca eras. Compared to those days, they can't accept that they have to settle for less.

Don't agree at all. Because again, we should be looking at how Xavi has us playing against the majority of LaLiga dosh on much smaller budgets and spending power to us. We can't be a result first, performance second team against this caliber of opponent.

Can't have Girona better in the final third, Las Palmas better at circulating possession, Real Sociedad more entertaining, etc.

While we're holding on for a home victory versus Alaves. Which is fine in isolation but not when we have been consecutively poor viewing.

It is what it is.
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