Xavi Hernández

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Senior Member
Haha I love how you double down. 😂

I’ll raise you 10 and say that I prefer our team lose a few matches in a row, and thus reward meritocracy over nepotism. The rot starts at the top: incompetence.
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Senior Member
Haha I love how you double down. 😂

I’ll raise you 10 and say that I prefer our team lose a few matches in a row, and thus reward meritocracy over nepotism. The rot starts at the top: incompetence.

I love how you lot constantly shit on Xavi as if winning a big league title is irrelevant. Same league that gave a CL and EL winner in the last 2 years.

Last 2 years main european titles:

La Liga - 2
EL - 1
Bundesliga - 1

Nobody cares about low time moaners in the end. Barca just proved last season that they remain a top dog despite all the problems. Hit from all places, but still getting it done in the way it matters.


Senior Member
I love how you lot constantly shit on Xavi as if winning a big league title is irrelevant. Same league that gave a CL and EL winner in the last 2 years.

Last 2 years main european titles:

La Liga - 2
EL - 1
Bundesliga - 1

Nobody cares about low time moaners in the end. Barca just proved last season that they remain a top dog despite all the problems. Hit from all places, but still getting it done in the way it matters.
You shit on Valverde while he won titles so you can't complain about others who are doing what you did.

You can say barca had a stronger team back then but so did Real with Marcelo, BaleN CR7 And so did Athletico.


Senior Member
You shit on Valverde while he won titles so you can't complain about others who are doing what you did.

You can say barca had a stronger team back then but so did Real with Marcelo, BaleN CR7 And so did Athletico.

Valverde had a much stronger team though. Can't compare the 2 cases. The team Valverde had was almost treble level with some luck and a solid keeper on Anfield.

After Valverde, the covid and Bartomeu storm hit big time, ruining the club's finances, meaning also the ability to build an elite side.


Senior Member
I love how you lot constantly shit on Xavi as if winning a big league title is irrelevant. Same league that gave a CL and EL winner in the last 2 years.

Last 2 years main european titles:

La Liga - 2
EL - 1
Bundesliga - 1

Nobody cares about low time moaners in the end. Barca just proved last season that they remain a top dog despite all the problems. Hit from all places, but still getting it done in the way it matters.
I don’t believe anyone has criticized the La Liga title last season, but rather a total lack of effective tactics, patterns of play, intensity, transitional play, and unpredictability. Do you remember Roberto DiMatteo? Xavi is our DiMatteo (or Frank Lampard). Completely and utterly under qualified for the challenge he finds himself in.

Beyond that, whatever happened to the expectation of playing entertaining football? Defending by attacking (and scoring)? Something is very wrong when I am impressed by each and every La Liga team’s manager after they’ve played us. 😂


Senior Member
Valverde had a much stronger team though. Can't compare the 2 cases. The team Valverde had was almost treble level with some luck and a solid keeper on Anfield.

After Valverde, the covid and Bartomeu storm hit big time, ruining the club's finances, meaning also the ability to build an elite side.
Our defense may be better than what Pep had. Our attack is currently one of the best in La Liga. No excuses for playing haram ball. :lol:


Senior Member
Beyond that, whatever happened to the expectation of playing entertaining football? Defending by attacking (and scoring)?

On hold, together with our money.

I'd rather win by digging hard than lose by playing nice football if both are not possible.


Senior Member
On hold, together with our money.

I'd rather win by digging hard than lose by playing nice football if both are not possible.
Hell if Real Sociedad can play attractive football, why can’t we? Our squad is 10x better than theirs.

It’s on hold until we bring in a competent manager whose assistant isn’t his brother. 😂


Senior Member
Hell if Real Sociedad can play attractive football, why can’t we? Our squad is 10x better than theirs.

It’s on hold until we bring in a competent manager whose assistant isn’t his brother. 😂
Sociedad don't compete for La Liga titles doing that, do they?

If they do, get their manager, and sack Xavi, sure. It means the guy is a genius.


Senior Member
Point is, at Barcelona, you have to win. Playing nice is not enough, and winning is more important. The club has just been blessed for the most part of the last 30 years to manage to do both effectively.

The club is now in the worst spot in terms of world class ability in the team in many many years. Even in the late 90s early 00s, a bad time of the club, Barca had players like Rivaldo, one of the best players on the planet at the time leading the attack.

It simply is a bad time to be a Barca fan if you aim very very high, as in being one of the top 3-4 teams in Europe. It has nothing to do with Xavi lol, the man has exceeded expectatons so far by a good measure.


Senior Member
Sociedad don't compete for La Liga titles doing that, do they?

If they do, get their manager, and sack Xavi, sure. It means the guy is a genius.
I’d rather play beautiful football and compete (and lose) than play Xavi’s Haram ball and win (which we barely do). We even manage to get knocked out of the Europa League two season’s in a row while playing Haram ball. :lol: The straw that breaks the camel’s back will be if we somehow manage to finish second in our CL group. What then?

Btw, We play more like a Mourinho side, but less organized and efficient.


Senior Member
There's nothing beautiful about losing. You can't actually play beautiful football if you lose. It's just a distortion of reality to say you play beautiful.

Brighton don't play beautiful if they lose 6-1 vs Villa ffs... The shit some people believe... :lol:

Some people said Paco Jemez played beautiful football in La Liga some seasons ago, yet his teams took some of the worst beatdowns imaginable.


Senior Member
Point is, at Barcelona, you have to win. Playing nice is not enough, and winning is more important. The club has just been blessed for the most part of the last 30 years to manage to do both effectively.

The club is now in the worst spot in terms of world class ability in the team in many many years. Even in the late 90s early 00s, a bad time of the club, Barca had players like Rivaldo, one of the best players on the planet at the time leading the attack.

It simply is a bad time to be a Barca fan if you aim very very high, as in being one of the top 3-4 teams in Europe. It has nothing to do with Xavi lol, the man has exceeded expectatons so far by a good measure.
1. The expectation for Barcelona is that we play beautiful and entertaining football while competing for titles. If Koeman were still our manager and managed to get knocked out of the CL and EL twice, while playing like Xavi does, he wouldn’t have lasted as long as Xavi and his brother.
Point is, expectations are different for non-Catalan managers.

2. You place way too much emphasis on individual talent, which we certainly don’t lack. Ter Stegen in WC. Our defense is par excellence. Our midfield has great talent, including De Jong (world class), Pedri (very good), Gundogan (excellent), raphinha (very good), Lewandowski (great, but getting older), Felix (very very good), Ferran (good enough for Pep).

You act as if our players are somehow inferior. Our squad is better than most teams in La Liga and the PL. certainly no worse than Arsenal’s squad. Here’s the thing, great managers bring out the best in their players. They recognize their qualities and allow them to manifest them on the pitch. Each and every one of our players underperforms under Xavi, with two exceptions, TS and De Jong.
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