World Cup 2018


Senior Member
I am glad Switzerland are out because of the behaviour of Shaqiri and Xhaka in winding up Serbian fans. I don't know much about the Balkans conflicts, but when you are playing for Switzerland, you don't use that opportunity to wind up Serbian fans, when Switzerland has no quarrel with Serbia. You want to antagonise Serbians, fine, play for Albania (or Kosovo) instead. If you play for Switzerland your mind should be 100% on Switzerland.

..when Switzerland has no quarrel with Serbia..

as a Swiss I can be angry with the 20000 Serbian fans who have whistled the Swiss anthem like animals ?

West Saxon

..when Switzerland has no quarrel with Serbia..

as a Swiss I can be angry with the 20000 Serbian fans who have whistled the Swiss anthem like animals ?
You can be angry with what you want, I'd be angry with that too, but an anthem being booed isn't the same as the level of animosity between Serbia and Albania. Italians booed the Swedish anthem in the play-offs, yet no one would say Sweden and Italy have a bad relationship.

I just take issue with Xhaka and Shaqiri using the opportunity to represent the nation of Switzerland to antagonise Serbians because of a conflict that has nothing to do with Switzerland. You want to make Albanian eagle gestures at Serbs? Play for Albania and do it.


Senior Member
You can be angry with what you want, I'd be angry with that too, but an anthem being booed isn't the same as the level of animosity between Serbia and Albania. Italians booed the Swedish anthem in the play-offs, yet no one would say Sweden and Italy have a bad relationship.

I just take issue with Xhaka and Shaqiri using the opportunity to represent the nation of Switzerland to antagonise Serbians because of a conflict that has nothing to do with Switzerland. You want to make Albanian eagle gestures at Serbs? Play for Albania and do it.

They booed the swiss anthem only and exclusively because there are players of Albanian origin, the exemple of Sweden and Italy has nothing to do.
As you said, the conflict has nothing to do with Switzerland, so you do not whistle the swiss anthem
If you want to to whistle the players do it when they touch the ball.

West Saxon

They booed the swiss anthem only and exclusively because there are players of Albanian origin, the exemple of Sweden and Italy has nothing to do.
As you said, the conflict has nothing to do with Switzerland, so you do not whistle the swiss anthem
If you want to to whistle the players do it when they touch the ball.
I'm not defending any Serbians who booed the Swiss anthem, mate. It's wrong to boo any national anthem. I agree with you, they shouldn't have done it.

I'm criticising Shaqiri and Xhaka for making Albanian political gestures at Serbians whilst playing for Switzerland.

West Saxon

with all the talk of 'easier route' to the final and the like, i got a bad feeling we'll fuck it up tonight
We are England fans, we've been burned too often before with talk of "easier games", so we are bound to be nervous. My nerves are shredded right now. :lol:

No game is easy. Each game is gonna be difficult. All I ask is that we give a good account of ourselves, which we've done so far.


Senior Member
There are no easy games here, you wont have another Panama game, and i wouldnt be surprised if Colombia knocks you out.


Senior Member
It's gonna hurt all the English fans on this site when Jerry Mina knocks England out of the world cup with a thunder header.

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