Thierry Henry


Professor Balthazar
I don't think many wants Henry to leave, but he's 32 and I'm not sure he will be as fast or injury free next season (I actually think he will be sold or be our 'supersub' next season). Why many wants a new winger is because we can rotate him with Henry in the 'easier' matches + to integrate him in the team slowly. We all saw what happened when we played Jeffren and Pedro on the wings last weekend. I'm not saying they won't improve during the season, but I also don't think they will improve that much (they just don't have the potentiall as other younger players like Mata, but I still have hopes for Pedro). Bojan is our best bet to backup Henry, but then we don't have backup for Ibra. In other words, our squad is to thin, especially on the forward side but also the midfield. That is why many of us wants an extra winger - squad deepth and backup for Henry - not to replace him, at least not this season.


immaculately conceived
Get a replacement this summer, keep henry next year as a super sub after his last WC and let him leave on a free to the MLS. Maybe our MLS team if it should go through within two years.


Bomb Dropper
This was a better goal IMO


absolutely RIDICULOUS.

the best thing is he owns carragher so hard that carra twists around his own legs and stumbles into the defender behind him, preventing the dude from running around on the cover!

just magnificent.


his best goal is still the one against Manchester united with back to the goal
Henry in hes prime, no-one was better. No-one could match what he could do.
We would be very lucky club if Henry was to retire at Barcelona FC.

I still think right now Henry is in the top5 strikers in the world, you see him play for France at CF and he scores all the time. But at barcelona we play him on the wing, play him at CF and he will easily score 30 plus goals. Easily. I think you guys are doubting Henry a bit with how he goes with fitness/injuries, he still has a few good season's left in him, Not just 1 season left. 2 or 3 season left of some amazing football.

When him and Messi don't play in the team, we don't look the same team attacking wise. I feel much more comfortable watching us play with Henry in the squad rather then a Bojan.


Henry in hes prime, no-one was better. No-one could match what he could do.
We would be very lucky club if Henry was to retire at Barcelona FC.

I still think right now Henry is in the top5 strikers in the world, you see him play for France at CF and he scores all the time. But at barcelona we play him on the wing, play him at CF and he will easily score 30 plus goals. Easily. I think you guys are doubting Henry a bit with how he goes with fitness/injuries, he still has a few good season's left in him, Not just 1 season left. 2 or 3 season left of some amazing football.

When him and Messi don't play in the team, we don't look the same team attacking wise. I feel much more comfortable watching us play with Henry in the squad rather then a Bojan.

Bold=Overstatement of the year.

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