Sergio Busquets


Bomb Dropper
if you support barca for its morals and were "mortified" at dani last season then I don't expect you to agree with me.

and yeah, I stick up for busquets. he gets torrents of shit from the people on here, I even caught two people earlier saying they're glad he's injured. so many people on here are out to cut the kid down, take him to task over diving and time-wasting. I hate holier-than-thou people. messi punched the ball into the net against espanyol, why is that never mentioned? iniesta is a chronic diver when inside the penalty area, why is that never mentioned? yaya and xavi constantly talk shit to referees, why is that never mentioned? no one is whiter than white in this game, you cannot win being 100% honest. and if we have several honest players (which we do) and put most of our dirty play into one player, what's the problem? he fills a need in the team.

I suggest you watch this again:



New member
I would rather play a full strength team than a 10 man team due to cheating. This isn't what happened last week because Motta deserved the second yellow either way, but you should want your team to win through talent and determination, not cheating. What's next, will you be OK with Barca winning by parking the bus?!?!

And you can't honestly equate talking back to the ref with feigning injury game after game... I get the point you are making, but I don't think its a point worth defending. i'm not proud of Messi's handball or Iniesta's dives in the box either, and the next time those situations come up I'll say something. For now, Sergi's behavior is the topic of the week and I don't think its excusable just because its accepted by most football fans.
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Bomb Dropper
yep, he is representing a club. a club which prides itself on 'mes que un club' and it is getting embarrassing and if he is to receive the plaudits his performances deserve, he really has to cut it the fuck out.

hard men don't act like pussies, why would you want to act like such a bitch?

mes que un club has nothing to do with morality.

stroke of marketing genius whoever went in that direction, but mes que un club is about barca representing the catalan identity.

and sergio's not a hard-man. we don't play the kind of football conducive to having a hard-man. he's a ball-player who's a filthy cheat.

besides, ultimately it's better to have one cheat than a team of them.

"you need people like me so you can point your fuckin' fingers... and say 'that's the bad guy.'"


The Observer
sorry, but more than ever...


I don't give a shit how the rest of the world sees us. they're all jealous and were jumping for joy when we got KO'd (hence inter's bus-parking was "heroic" - as was chelsea's last year, united's the year before, etc.) they'll praise us when we're on top but if you listen to everything it's always said through gritted teeth or is a depthless platitude - ITV was full of this on wednesday. or it's patronising; messi's not a genius he's "a little genius" for example. so yeah, the media are built on sensationalism. inter "outwitted" and "outthought" barca, but as estel says everything turned on one whistle (yaya's goal) so what if we'd won? they'd be saying how great we were, again. it's meaningless, they just prey on the reactions of people and say what they have to say to sell papers. precious few people actually analyse the game and provide insight - most just spout rhetoric and should be ignored. as for rival fans? they're even more bitter than journos and broadcast media because we play the kind of football they can only dream about. not worth your time.

I support FCB for me, not for anyone else. their opinion doesn't matter. you should all be the same.

now, is busquets a cheat? yes, quite obviously.

but I ask... so what? we get cheated damn near every week with dirty fouls and playacting and time-wasting. and our star player gets kicked to shit on a regular basis and the offenders aren't punished enough because he's too honest and doesn't go down. I know we play heavenly football but that should not compel us to act like christ, forever turning the other cheek.

you can't be 100% honest in the modern game and survive, it's not possible. so we need someone that's sneaky, that's nasty. and busi is our guy.


keep on keepin' on, sergi.

All is good and all .. etc just one thing

next time u complain about it when you are on the other side of the foul.. i'll call you out

if you support barca for its morals and were "mortified" at dani last season then I don't expect you to agree with me.

and yeah, I stick up for busquets. he gets torrents of shit from the people on here, I even caught two people earlier saying they're glad he's injured. so many people on here are out to cut the kid down, take him to task over diving and time-wasting. I hate holier-than-thou people. messi punched the ball into the net against espanyol, why is that never mentioned? iniesta is a chronic diver when inside the penalty area, why is that never mentioned? yaya and xavi constantly talk shit to referees, why is that never mentioned? no one is whiter than white in this game, you cannot win being 100% honest. and if we have several honest players (which we do) and put most of our dirty play into one player, what's the problem? he fills a need in the team.

I suggest you watch this again:


The truth ^^^^


Bomb Dropper
All is good and all .. etc just one thing

next time u complain about it when you are on the other side of the foul.. i'll call you out

but beast, I don't support the other team that fouls us.

therefore, when they foul us/cheat us, I will be unhappy; because I support fc barcelona who have just been fouled/cheated, you get me?

it's the beautiful hypocrisy of being a football supporter.


Improvin' Perfection!!
I would rather play a full strength team than a 10 man team due to cheating. This isn't what happened last week because Motta deserved the second yellow either way, but you should want your team to win through talent and determination, not cheating. What's next, will you be OK with Barca winning by parking the bus?!?!

And you can't honestly equate talking back to the ref with feigning injury game after game... I get the point you are making, but I don't think its a point worth defending. i'm not proud of Messi's handball or Iniesta's dives in the box either, and the next time those situations come up I'll say something. For now, Sergi's behavior is the topic of the week and I don't think its excusable just because its accepted by most football fans.

what the hell is wrong with you guys man!? He did not dive, he made the ref realize he was fouled... for all the things Motta said and done he more than deserved that!!
talk about him doing it every week, yeah he does get the stick from douchebag players time and again! For a defensive mid fielder he gets fouled so many times!! So nothing wrong in showing them, you fuck with me you're so gonna end up in stands!! What the hell!? why does he have to endure the fouls and still stay on his feet!?


New member
Sorry guys, maybe I'm completely wrong and am letting American sports mentality cloud my judgement (please don't ban me for saying that), but Sergi has let deception becoming one of his most notable skills and thats bullshit if you ask me.


The Observer
The Hypocrisy part is increasing among your supporters rank lately (and some are found out for who they are ) i'll give you that...

I still have faith in the remaining black is black and white is white , however hypocrisy has it's own little Karma so expect it's generosity very soon
it hit some of our members lately (but i guess you won't understand what i'm saying never mind )


Bomb Dropper
The Hypocrisy part is increasing among your supporters rank lately (and some are found out for who they are ) i'll give you that...

I still have faith in the remaining black is black and white is white , however hypocrisy has it's own little Karma so expect it's generosity very soon
it hit some of our members lately (but i guess you won't understand what i'm saying never mind )

I don't know who you're talking about, but myself and adam have often debated the hypocrisy point with you.

reality is altered depending on your perspective, that's the key problem with trying to be "objective" - you can't escape your perspective, no matter how hard you try. but there are degrees of objectivity. I mean, I try and be as objective as I can, I'll call a foul as a foul, a dive as a dive, etc. the difference is if a barca player does it to get us an advantage, I won't care, but if it's done against us to give us a disadvantage, I will care.

see what I mean?

the ironic thing about all this is that, while I was definitely entertained seeing motta go off, inter going down to 10 helped them more than it helped us, lol. so I'm actually pretty pissed off at sergio in that respect, but some of the posts I'm seeing here, I dunno, there's just too much shit being thrown at one of our own and I'm not having it.

Sorry guys, maybe I'm completely wrong and am letting American sports mentality cloud my judgement

you are.

it's very easy to play fair and by the rules in a socialist system like the NFL, NHL, NBA, etc. without the threat of relegation and with oodles of money guaranteed. centralised contracts, licensing, salary caps, etc.

it's a commendable set-up but wouldn't work for futbol which is far more dog-eat-dog free-market capitalism. plus it's a global game, so has been influenced by so many different cultures. most american sports originated in the USA and have only left those shores as off-shoot efforts, there's no global network for those sports so they stay uniquely american.


Charlie Sheen's Protégé
he needs to grow the f**k up. hopefully this incident forces him to act like a man. That was embarrassing.

EDIT: also, great quote from Scarface but I don't see what it has to do w/ this. Busquets acted like a girl. Tony Montana ruined his entire organization because he didn't want to kill a woman/kids. That's what a man does. he stands up for his principles. here is another Scarface quote "I have two things in this world, my balls and my word. And I don't break them for nobody." When Busquets (or any other FCB player does that) what principles are they standing for (or rather, diving for)? how could you possibly take anyone who dives/rolls around as an principled man/man of their word? Weren't we all over Drogba for acting like a little bitch? You speak of the hypocrisy of rooting for a football club, I see nothing but bullshit. If we act a fool, we have no basis to complain when any player dives/time wastes/pretends to be shot.
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The Observer
The Ironic part is not the perspective of the act but the lack of moral high ground that you lot flag it while you are the first to do it.

respect your honesty (especially calling out Messi,Iniesta,,etc ) but i don't subscribe to the logical or philosophical justification you've given

(and no i was not referring to you )


Bomb Dropper
so what if we have no basis to complain?

what does having a basis to complain actually get us?

the support of other fans? the support of the sensationalist media who will turn on us when it suits them?

like I said, they don't deserve the time of day.

support barca for you, not others.


New member
My question Meta, is should I support Barca only in regards to the team getting the victory? Should I be happy if Barca scraps total football and parks the bus for their victories? Is the clubs success the only thing that matters or does "mes que un club" actually mean something?

edit: nevermind you kind of answered my question in the following post...


Bomb Dropper
respect your honesty (especially calling out Messi,Iniesta,,etc ) but i don't subscribe to the logical or philosophical justification you've given

yeah, you're an idealist.

I'm like that, I'm an INTENSE idealist.

but I also have a pragmatic side which just thinks, fuck it.

I love it when we win games without cheating, looove it. and because we have so many honest players that does happen quite a lot. but equally when someone does something dishonest because they want to win, I'm not gonna ream the guy. now fouling is something different because then you're physically endangering people and I can't be havin' that. but diving and time-wasting? not a fan, not a fan at all, but then I don't like guns and violence either, but you can be sure as shit if society breaks down I'm gettin' myself a 12-guage.

My question Meta, is should I support Barca only in regards to the team getting the victory? Should I be happy if Barca scraps total football and parks the bus for their victories? Is the clubs success the only thing that matters or does "mes que un club" actually mean something?

I started supporting barcelona because they played football that attracted me, wore kits I thought were awesome, and because pep guardiola and ronaldo were fucking amazing.

so the football was an intrinsic part of why I fell in love with the club.

but that's just it, now I love the club, she's mine. so if she puts on a little weight, gets a few wrinkles (awful analogy for winning ugly, but fuckit it's 4am) am I suddenly gonna stop loving her?

my love for barca is not conditional on anything anymore. it's evolved past that and now I just love the club.

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