Pep Guardiola


Well-known member
England should be a good option for him.
He wouldn't be a good fit for NT job. He wouldn't get enough time with the players and wouldn't be able to mould the team like he normally does

Surprised people are bagging him out. Yes, he's had tremendous players but he knows how to develop a team and play exciting, winning football. He's changed world football. I don't like his personality but he's a genius manager.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
The other day Arteta used 4 centre backs against Barca. Only a few months after Pep introduced us to this new formation, we have good up and coming managers blatantly copying this new tactic.

This is what makes Pep the GOAT. He re invents the wheel and the others follow.


Senior Member
Didn't the old Italian sides of Maldini/Lippi always have 4 CBs. Or at the very least fullbacks that were so inoffensive that they were basically centrebscks.

Pep is just tapping his inner catenaccio. The kids before TikTok and Twitter don't know, but the OGs know.


Senior Member
He's going to win the CL again this season. The level of "elite" European teams is so low right now that this City team is just head and shoulders better than everyone else.

I don't think they're an all time great team (definitely very elite though), but the way they completely destroyed Bayern and RM last season was a changing of the guard moment.

El Gato

Media are already driving the wagon of him trying to prevent complacency though
Could see them going out to a decent enough athletic side like Lyon several years back considering even Inter could hold them back a bit. Not sure if would happen over two legs, but who knows


Senior Member
Bayern were by far the side that caused City the most problems this season despite the score line.

City had to work hard and took their chances it wasnt the demolition job of Real etc.

Would be a close tie if those two met would think.


Well-known member
Too many people forget that they didn't deserve to win the final last season.

Inter had the better chances. Fuck you Lukaku.

They'll bottle it again this season. Fuck this financially doped fragment of shit "club". Scum of the Earth with 115 FFP breaches. They literally exist coz that stupid Sheikh wanted to wank some of his oil money in England.


Well-known member
Naaah they did. Pep has rarely been lucky in CL. This balances it out. He's allowed to have luck on his side for once.

Huh? They lost to lesser sides most of the time despite spending billions. They never deserved shit in the CL.

Those Lyons and Tottenhams deserved their victories.


Culé de Celestial Empire
City in my opinion is overrated. Bayern with Kane will knock them out, unfortunately.

With regard to Pep, I understand that he is the manager of City and he has the responsibility to look out for their best interests but what the media reported (if true), it sounds like he has a special tinge of disdain for us or something, maybe it is just me. They sold Ferran for 70m to us and now they want to squeeze every penny out of us for Bernado Silva. Come on Pep, the inner Culer in you (being a soci and a life-long Barça fan etc.) doesn't want the worst for your club, don't you?
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Culé de Celestial Empire
This Bayern ain't all that. Their offense isn't what it used to be. Good team but not elite.

I think their offense has been OK, they sure missed Lewandowski and a No.9 but they could still score goals from their wingers or their midfielders etc., it is their defense that is a big question mark in my opinion, even with the addition of so-called "Serie A's best defender" Kim Min-jae. Also Tuchel is a hinderance and disservice to them in the long run.

But with Kane joining them (it looks like just a matter of time), they will knock out City, I feel. I certainly hope I am wrong.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
I think their offense has been OK, they sure missed Lewandowski and a No.9 but they could still score goals from their wingers or their midfielders etc., it is their defense that is a big question mark in my opinion, even with the addition of so-called "Serie A's best defender" Kim Min-jae. Also Tuchel is a hinderance and disservice to them in the long run.

But with Kane joining them (it looks like just a matter of time), they will knock out City, I feel. I certainly hope I am wrong.
Was it evident that Min-jae had the potential to play for top clubs back at Beijing Guoan?

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