Pedro Rodriguez


Senior Member
This season the forward players will be more central and it will suit Pedro again I think.

Should suit all the players better.

There are quite a few new weapons against the buses: Suarez inside, Mathieu headers, Rakatic outside rockets. The hope would be to score earlier in the game and force the opponent to come out. If successful, there will be more space for all players to work the ball through, and Barça will be able to play its game again, instead of setting siege to a bunkered down opponent for 90 minutes.


It's still only the 2nd game, but so far it's not looking good. Sandro and Munir are playing better, and they should be depth before Pedro.
Let's see if Lucho can fix him.


San Claudio Bravo
Poor Pedro, he can't find his form of old. I still think he'll be a good aquad player for the team this season.

People are keen to rip him, most of the time way over the top, but for a squad and sub player, which is what Pedro is for this team this season, he is a good option. Even better if he finds his form.


Senior Member
Had a good shot in the 1st and a few nice touches/dribbles but disappointing once again.

TBH, no better or worse than anyone else save Messi vs Villarreal. His one best chance other than his well-placed shot on target to the back post (the Messi layoff in the box on the counter; actually an excellent fingertip save by the keeper) he was closely marked, tried to cut back, ball bounced up a bit (not surprising given the pitch) and the defender caught him on the knee. Probably should have been a penalty given.

Main difference between Sandro's goal and chances earlier in the game was a tired Villarreal defence and a bit of luck. Team did well overall, but certainly missed the added creativity of Iniesta (and, we hope, the more tenacious and clinical finishing of Suarez).
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