Paulo Dybala

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
Shush! Nobody cares whether you believe in their support or not, you wannabe Football Fandom Cop. :lol:

Great Zidane avatar btw. True Barca DNA that. :lol:

Now shut your trap and look at how beautiful this is.

Beautiful, but not unique in any way shape of form.

Look, I like Liverpool, but the sycophantic nonsense about the passion of their fans is just deluded beyond belief.

You get something like this every week at Bilbao, Sevilla, Betis, could literally go on for pages if I went to other leagues. And that will be for some La Liga game against some La Liga shitter, not the UCL final, where you expect your fans to be passionate.

Just to prove my point, watch the start of the game today between Roma and Brighton. And I guarantee you will see a passionate fan scene in the last 16 of the Europa fucking League, that you have NEVER SEEN AT ANFIELD IN YOUR LIFE.


Well-known member
They said the same when Ole had that honeymoon period/new manager bounce haha. :lol:

Mou took them to 2 consecutive European finals and should have won both(if only Anthony Taylor was half decent at his job).

The squad was always paper-thin and a makeshift amalgamation of loan signings and free players. This commingle of washed up players and cheap nobodies can only work in cup competitions.

Dybala and Lukaku would never consider moving to Roma without Jose's pull.

If you look at Roma through the prism of Mourinho-disdain, then you're in for a rude awakening. The owners are clueless charlatans and the club is set up for midtable mediocrity. The West Ham of Italy.
Mourinho is miles past it and yesterday's man, and even at his best really had to play anti-football and instill that boring as fuck 'siege mentality' nonsense (that works briefly but ends up burning the place down in the long-term) except when he had Real Madrid's squad. He's a tired old man, and he looks it. I know you're not here anymore but you love these arrogant wanker types in the media so no surprise you love Mourinho.

Mourinho has been on a steady decline and a path of failure and mediocrity since he left Real Madrid.

Mourinho will never do anything at the top level of the game ever again.


Senior Member
I really don't get why he isn't in squad. There must be some bad blood between him and Scaloni (or Messi). He's a great creative player, who can fit in several positions, especially when Messi comes off. The babyface is probably real menace off the field.


Professor Balthazar
No fucking way I want Dybala. This kind of player is a relic of the past.
Nowadays he's a much worse version of Felix - dear lord :lol: But I'd still have Felix or Dybala over Torres - god damn he walks on my f nerves :lol:


Senior Member
Poor dude, looks like Scaloni was right not to call him @soul24rage
From what I can see from the past month, Scaloni has now considers Di Maria as the "sub" for Messi since it's difficult to carry a 36 and a 37 year old in the attack. Because of that, Scaloni probably thought that having Dybala was redundant and prefer to focus on the future (Carboni).

Still I would have taken Dybala over Carboni.

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