Lautaro Martinez


Senior Member
Never liked him, and never will, he is player for two strikers team, I think he will go to Atletico M in future.


Senior Member
Would have been worse player to try and fit in with Messi and Suarez than Griezmann even.

No role for him and Suarez was not leaving.


President of FC Barcelona
Alexis Sanchez levels of shit deal. Still more useful to us.

You don't pay 100m for Alexis Sanchez. I don't think Lautaro is a bad player. He's a good player, but he's not elite. Should have never paid 120m for Griezmann and no team should pay 100m for Lautaro either.

Now 100m on Osimhen on the other hand....that's something that could have been entertained.


Senior Member
100mil for this fraud would probably killed us in 2020, with Corona and wage bill being 700mil per season.

Imagine having 550mil euros to build attack and you do this:


Lautaro as sub.

This shows what kind of idiots were in our board.


Senior Member
You don't pay 100m for Alexis Sanchez. I don't think Lautaro is a bad player. He's a good player, but he's not elite. Should have never paid 120m for Griezmann and no team should pay 100m for Lautaro either.

Now 100m on Osimhen on the other hand....that's something that could have been entertained.



Senior Member
Lost his WC form.


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