Confessions of a barça-holic


:lol: I remember that post.

I spilled Kool Aid on my Messi Jersey... :mad1: Thats like spilling Vodka on a crucifix. Oh, Messi.. forgive me. I know not what i do


I walk the line
:lol: :lol:

messi forgives u.. But u must go and say ten Hail Messi's: Hail Messi, full of skill, the ball is with thee. Blessed art thou amongst players, and blessed is the fruit of thy left boot. Holy messi, father of football, pray for us cules now and in the hour of matchday 38.
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I walk the line
:lol: Yeah that would be pretty funny. Except catalunya is a major catholic country so it probably wouldnt go down so well over there!


Ricky Martin clone
I like Lassana Diarra. Quite a lot, i liked him in Portsmouth, cause i've always watched the EPL, and i'm pretty sure no one even suspected he'd move to madrid ( I don't even capitalise their name anymore), but he is a good midfielder, he looks like Makelele when he plays for France. Poor Lassana :$


New member
Why is he changing so many clubs...I don't understand?He already have played for Chelsea,Arsenal,Portsmouth and Real Madrid...he is still young...and very good...


Why is he changing so many clubs...I don't understand?He already have played for Chelsea,Arsenal,Portsmouth and Real Madrid...he is still young...and very good...

He is very impatient and will start complaining once u bench him for 2 games..that is the main reason why i think he will complain his way out of Madrid in a couple of years!

MJ BarcaFan

New member
I dislike Eto'o eversince he admitted that he & Ronnie used to fight like husband & wife. He is just envious of Ronnie that's why.


I walk the line
Oh yeah, this topic! Thank you for admitting that MJ, you are forgiven.

Hopefully we can get some confessions from some more new members..


V.H. 4 life
I paid 56 Euros for Real Madrid CF, between stadium tour, beverages, and gift shop. I also took a digital photo with Iker.


I used to horribly mark this one guy in college while we played football. He was a SCUM supporter. I kicked him many, many times. I'm not really proud of it. The guy was a nice chap to be honest, we became friends after a while...and yes, I stopped kicking him after. Actually I more or less stopped playing.

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