Arturo Vidal


New member
So, Basically, in order to earn 10M profit and offloading a 30 year old workhorse in Paulinho, as a replacement we are signing a injury prone semi-retired 32 year old for 30M and much higher wages.


(IMO he isn't worth pursuing if it isn't under 20M. He is past his prime.)

Party pooper.


Senior Member
So, Basically, in order to earn 10M profit and offloading a 30 year old workhorse in Paulinho, as a replacement we are signing a injury prone semi-retired 32 year old for 30M and much higher wages.


(IMO he isn't worth pursuing if it isn't under 20M. He is past his prime.)

Vidal is 31, just 1 year older than Paulinho
Overall he had a better career and might qualify as a better player than Paulinho if healthy
Look at it this way, we paid 40M for Paulinho, 18 for Vidal and got 50 for Paulinho. so overall we paid 8M for 4 years of Paulinho and Vidal. not that bad tbh


New member
If his knee doesn't bother him, and we manage to keep his bad habbits in check and he comes with 100 percent fire and determination, I can see him deliver our midfield an Edgar Davids like kick up our letharic asses. Even though I'm a bit nervous in regards to his shape and mentality and of course how EV will manage to juggle him, Raki and Arthur in the CM spots, there really is a lot I like about this transfer.


Wild Man of Borneo
Funny to see how the circlejerk did a full 180 within a single day, and now words like "world class" are still being thrown around with Vidal (here and on twitter). For 30m and 9m net wages he is a very expensive squad player, better damn well hope he shows some of the ability he had in years past. I feel like people severely underestimate the impact of knee injuries in aging players. Only just recently did he start running again. For a player who's major skill is intensity, being limited athletically and physically less fit than he has ever been in his life is going to take a toll. How much? Well that remains to be seen.

The biggest problem isn't Vidal, he could be a very effective role player. The big problems are the squad size and EV. Right now we are wayyyy overloaded on midfielders. If we get him we absolutely must sell Gomes, Denis, Samper, and Rafinha. Coutinho/Rakitic/Busquets/Arthur/Vidal/Roberto/Aleña is almost too crowded as is and more than enough talent for 3-4 positions.

And if EV is even 80% of his self from last season, Vidal will be a huge burden on our minutes/squad selection/formations just like Paulinho was. Not only can we kiss pretty much all of Aleña's minutes goodbye, but if that fucked up 4-4-2 is insisted upon somehow Vidal will get in the way of Dembele/Malcom also because EV suddenly decides Arthur/Vidal/Roberto can play at RM and he has to be included in the lineup.

Does no one remember that Valverde DEMANDED this transfer? And yet people sit here and assume he's just some super over-qualified rotation player/supersub. EV has his history of nonstop overplaying of players who are old and clearly past it as if they were still in their prime. Suarez, Iniesta, Rakitic all were wildly overplayed last season and concessions made to fit their needs as if they are the core pillars of this team and performing at a world class level. Paulinho too stepped well over his rightful playing time. Same could be done with Vidal here, and that is just a massive burden on Arthur, Aleña, potentially Malcom/Dembele, the 4-3-3, and basically everything we're trying to FIX in our currently static midfield/offense.


Won't make or break for Barca for 18M. He could be vital in the Clasicos. Ramos better pack his lunch, Vidal won't put up with his non-sense.


Senior Member

Looks like the price will be 18m but could go up to 21m with variables.

Not bad at all.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
This has been the most entertaining Barca mercato in some time. Certainly better than last year's Coutinho and Neymar soap operas.


Senior Member
I'm guessing they are preparing the video package the talking ball, hence why it is taking this long.

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