9 - Robert Lewandowski


Well-known member
unfortunately he looks finished, he needs perfect service to score a goal....

Should have had a goal though if Raphi or Torres would have passed him the ball when he was free


Senior Member
His performance tonight:


Also, he needs one of these to have better control of his body:



Senior Member
Probably not good enough anymore for the MLS or the Saudi league so we are stuck with this useless bum.
This guy could walk straight into any retirement home.


Senior Member
It's amazing how weak he is

Lewa, stand in the fucking box and don't touch the ball until it comes into the box. Why on earth is he always behind the play trying to get involved in the build up? Countless times he drifts to the wing also this season, stay in the damn box.

He's good for 1 thing now and that is fox in the box poaching.

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