6 - Gavi


Senior Member
The simple fact that four coaches now prefer to start any game with this headless chicken instead of brainiac midfielder that only exist in imagination, tells me enough.

Besides I didn't mean he's Edgar Davids level now, but has the potential.

Same coaching staff that wanted 'star man' Lewa and wanted Romeu etc.

The old coach knows best argument again.

Gavi is decent player just nowhere near the level some Barca fans make out and his bad games are fucking woeful.

He could come back to same level and folk will have this romantic idea of him being a player he never was before injury.


Well-known member
Same coaching staff that wanted 'star man' Lewa and wanted Romeu etc.

The old coach knows best argument again.

Gavi is decent player just nowhere near the level some Barca fans make out and his bad games are fucking woeful.
You are twisting my opinion and throwing it in a salad of your current "Lewa sucks" narrative. Or you are mistaking me for someone else, who is a Lewa fanboy. I'm not.

Read my previous comment again - I meant the two coaches of Barca and Spain NT that start Gavi for 2 years now.


Senior Member
When he was fully fit, with other midfielders in and out over the past 1.5 seasons we won the league and was in contention while he was fit.

He gets injured, buff it's gone.

Coincidence? Some will want you to believe it is.

His impact he felt in a actual real results driven fashion when he's out.

May not be the prettiest, but as it relates to the team being successful, the proof is in the mudding.


Senior Member
You are twisting my opinion and throwing it in a salad of your current "Lewa sucks" narrative. Or you are mistaking me for someone else, who is a Lewa fanboy. I'm not.

Read my previous comment again - I meant the two coaches of Barca and Spain NT that start Gavi for 2 years now.

Nope the point on Lewa is coaches playing players and rating them is not some final argument... plenty other players can use.. Lewa just an obvious one.

Whether you rate him not is irrelevant to the point.

Have never said he shouldnt start ever or majority of games last season etc... just saying he is nowhere near as good as some make out and is a headless chicken with poor positioning.

There were games last season he was genuinely as bad as any Barca mid have ever seen and others he played fairly well.

This season he has had some howlers but folk make out he is some hardman as made 4 tackles.


Senior Member
When he was fully fit, with other midfielders in and out over the past 1.5 seasons we won the league and was in contention while he was fit.

He gets injured, buff it's gone.

Coincidence? Some will want you to believe it is.

His impact he felt in a actual real results driven fashion when he's out.

May not be the prettiest, but as it relates to the team being successful, the proof is in the mudding.

Fake news.

He played majority of season before when Barca fell further behind Real.

A lot more changed last season than just Gavi appearing.

Same folk crying about folk expecting too much from Gavi last season and have to accept his 'dip in form' compared to previous season now trying to claim he was the difference in title win.

Biggest impact on midfield last season was building one that suited FDJ and getting Gavi out of there to LW role where could run about more and be expected to do less on ball.

Usual mental gymnastics.


Senior Member
Nah usual class response..

Jamrock gone from crying about folk expecting too much from Gavi last season and it was an 'expected dip' in form..

To now making out he was the difference.


Facts are FDJ was levels above Gavi last season.. simple.

Same Jamrock logic that had Kessie as best mid at Barca as won league more recently than others....

Same Jamrock who argues Pedri is most important player then contradicts himself with this Gavi nonsense.

Words salads.


Senior Member
Massive impact on the the teams success.

Proof is in da mudding.

With him being a constant in midfield we win and compete for the league, that's without Pedri and de jong.

He's out they're back, we fall out of the race.... 🤔


Senior Member
Nah not massive impact last season.. hence why you were crying about a 'dip in form' which had to be expected.

Was Barcas 4th best mid last season let alone all positions.

Haha Gavi without FDJ and Pedri was fucking atrocious last season.. stop spouting nonsense.


Senior Member
This has already been covered.

It is rich to claim he is 'heart of team' after a Madrid result when lost last two with him 6-1 across both and both at home.

The issue were there with Gavi and before injury.

MATS is the biggest miss currently. His is the lowest drop to next up in Pena.

Anyway agree with him Gavi is missed.. better than likes of Roberto by a long way. Maybe not on ball but for what can bring overall.

Gavi running about like a lunatic is 'heart of team' when does little on ball.. others who do a lot more on ball get made out all can do is run.

This is same Xavi whos opinion was backed on Romeu being a good signing for Barca etc so lets not pretend he always gets it right.
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Senior Member
He's not just just referring to the real Madrid game obviously.

We missed out on pedri and de jong and has the Facts showed we kept it together and won the league and was in it until he went down this season.

No Gavi and now it would take a miracle to win it.

We definitely miss Mats but that's goes without saying.

Gavi is the beating heart of that midfield and team.

Deal with it.
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