6 - Gavi


Senior Member
He needs to calm down and be coached properly.

The hardman act gets too much praise as does running about like a lunatic.

Get back to being a footballer known for what can do on ball and leave the other shit behind. Can still have a bit of edge but what doing just now helps no one.

His concentration and awareness suffers as he is so young and doesnt have the calm enough mentality to play at top level as of yet.

That what puts Pedri so far ahead of him currently.. more ability but much better mentality in pressure situatios to make the correct decisios more often.

Xavi isnt helping him though when no repercussions for being as god awful as he is at times.

Last weekend is the prime example.... 11 passes and most give aways in team and plays 90 mins. No wonder Raphinha was pissed off at being subbed.


Senior Member
Last three games he has made.

22 passes
11 passes
16 passes.

While doing next to nothing with ball within any of those.

One of worst today for giving ball away also as was last week. Only the wide players gave away ball more.


Senior Member
He will probably get benched towards end of season when can claim is being rested.

Looked like a competition winner the past while.

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