14 - Javier Mascherano


Senior Member
Nothing of that sort. He's just clearly fatigued. Featured in all our games this season. I thought he was going to be rested today.


Senior Member
He had good moments but everything was screwed by his errors. I hope he gets back to his beast form from the last season ASAP.


Staff member
One bad news after another. Every 3 days an injury. When not an injury, then some other compromising news.


President of FC Barcelona
Does everyone have the same accountant?

Should be settled out of court, but we all know how the Spanish Courts apply one law for others and another for our guys


Senior Member
Why the fuck are they all evading taxes? I mean what is wrong with them?
This guy earns more in 2 months than I do in my entire life, and I did never even attempt to steal cigarettes from some local store.


Why the fuck are they all evading taxes? I mean what is wrong with them?
This guy earns more in 2 months than I do in my entire life, and I did never even attempt to steal cigarettes from some local store.

Maybe it's something South American.


New member
Still can't trust this guy when he plays in the midfield...

I wouldn't be surprised at all, if in a few weeks, Roberto takes the #2 sport for playing as a DM.

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