Xavi Hernández


Senior Member
Thank you Xavi, wishing you the best in the future



Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
This is just another example of why we should probably stay way from hiring Barca legends as managers. We just don't know how to treat them properly and it leaves a sour taste and ends up being a PR disaster.

I've always advocated for Messi to be involved at the club when he retires but only as an ambassador, helping secure transfer targets. Because no doubt we would end up screwing him over if he had a more predominate role.

Still can't get over how the fans and club treated Koeman. That was even worse and an all time low for the club.


Senior Member
Hopefully, the weird :clown: like Birdy can go back to giving him the proper respect he deserves as the greatest CM of all time.


Senior Member
I wonder if it would have been different if he accepted the clubs proposal of personnel change in his management team (new assistants or whatever).

That rumour come out and was quickly shot down that Xavi demanded to keep his team together.

It seems he was a bit too stubborn and inflexible for his own good at times. Which is fine if you are winning and winning well, but you will create enemies quickly when things start to go bad.

Yea I think the difference came in with how he thought things should be going forward and what laporta/deco wants.

I think deco and laporta are more aligned with how they see modern football and xavi is more of a traditionalist.


Senior Member
Xavi to be a martyr now. When he should've been sacked 4 months ago.

Total shitshow from Laporta this therm. Worse than Rosell.


Staff member
Leaving, staying, leaving. Man..

Not fan of Barca under Xavi but not optimistic about Flick? at all.


The Pale One
Embarassing how we handled the situation, but there's no doubt in my mind Xavi had to go. We were heading into a repeat of this season with him. Team felt stagnated. He capped out on what he could offer tbh. This was the best decision.

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