We need some height!!!!

Everytime the opposition gets a corner they look like scoring. We should get someone with height to come off the bench, so when we need a goal we can actually use Alves's crosses, because whats the point of him crossing when we have hardly anyone who is good in the air???? i don't really want us to buy Jordi Alba either because we would have 2 midget fullbacks and thats terrible at FK's and Corners.

i'd love to us to get someone like Drogba who would sit on the bench and we could throw on then the tiki taka isn't working


Improvin' Perfection!!
Zlatan ain't shit... Llorente won the WC.

Anyway it's not the height that we need... It's the aerial ability


New member
Yet people should not forget that this team consists mostly of small players and need at least 3 players in the line-up who can battle with anyone for the long balls. The games against Milan showed that the opposition can overpower us in the air and that could lead to unnecessary goals and draws. For example, I can't imagine playing with a defensive lineup like alves-Macherano-Puyol-Adriano. It would leave us desperately open to long balls, considering neither of our Back four reaches the 6ft mark and the 2 CB are quite slow. Right now, we have Busquets, Pique, Abidal, Keita and Puyol who can compete quite well in the air. But Pep should give more minutes to players like Fontas, Bartra and Muinesa, who can come into the game when the opponent is in an all-out attack mode and tighten things up, especially in set-piece situations.

Also, It wouldn't hurt to get someone who isn't below 5.7ft in the front lineup. It would make our attacks more dynamic to get a player who can compete in the air as much as in the ground. You can't always hope(even if you're Barca) you can unlock the opponents defense with possession football and then send in Pique if you can't. I'm not suggesting buying Carroll, Llorente or Crouch, who'll slow our attacks down, but a player like Falcao or Cavani, who are physically threatening and fast with the ball at the same time.


Zlatan ain't shit... Llorente won the WC.

Anyway it's not the height that we need... It's the aerial ability

Zlatan was shit for us.

Llorrente is decent, but he did not actually "win" the World Cup, he only featured once as a sub against Portugal.


Everytime the opposition gets a corner they look like scoring. We should get someone with height to come off the bench, so when we need a goal we can actually use Alves's crosses, because whats the point of him crossing when we have hardly anyone who is good in the air???? i don't really want us to buy Jordi Alba either because we would have 2 midget fullbacks and thats terrible at FK's and Corners.

i'd love to us to get someone like Drogba who would sit on the bench and we could throw on then the tiki taka isn't working

We are actually Europe's smallest team in terms of teh average height of our players.

For this reason, we are terribly vulnerable to set pieces. It is our number one weakness and by some margin. We are divine on the ground, but nonexistent in the air. That makes us vulnerable to corners and crosses, and we almost never score from corner kicks or crosses ourselves. It is buffling that we sometimes tend to go for conventional corner kicks instead of playing from there.

That being said, trying to incorporate 2 tall players into our system may as well have destabilizing effects. But I think that we should go for a big striker (Llorrente) as a plan B. And another CB who is a beast in the air.


New member
We are actually Europe's smallest team in terms of teh average height of our players.

For this reason, we are terribly vulnerable to set pieces. It is our number one weakness and by some margin. We are divine on the ground, but nonexistent in the air. That makes us vulnerable to corners and crosses, and we almost never score from corner kicks or crosses ourselves. It is buffling that we sometimes tend to go for conventional corner kicks instead of playing from there.

That being said, trying to incorporate 2 tall players into our system may as well have destabilizing effects. But I think that we should go for a big striker (Llorrente) as a plan B. And another CB who is a beast in the air.

Actually, Barcelona is one of the best teams in defending Set-piece situations (It's all thanks to zonalmarking. Yet the problem is that we are naturally vulnerable to long balls and our players can't always be at the right place in the right time. That's why this team needs a bit more muscle, especially facing very physical teams like Bilbao.


New member
Stuff set pieces, they give away possession. I'd prefer Messi/Xavi just taking it short and then continue to try and pierce the opponents defense.

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