Tanguy Ndombele


Ndombele fdj Arthur would be a pretty solid midfield. Might lack a bit of creativity but I think Messi and Dembele could make up for it.


Senior Member
Ndombele fdj Arthur would be a pretty solid midfield. Might lack a bit of creativity but I think Messi and Dembele could make up for it.

You have to think about other options.
We were quite blessed that Messi was not injured at all in the last few years.

He will be 33 at the end of a season:
1. what if Messi retires, imagine having a Frenkie-Arthur-Ndombele midfield then (without Messi around). We would need to sell/rebuild/reinvent things again after that
2. imagine if Messi gets injured for 3 Months in this season. Our only creative attacking player would be Dembele
3. imagine if Dembele remains injured or out of form (due to injuries or other reasons). Then we would have only Messi and even worse version of Messipendencia since in the last few years we had creative midfielders in Xavi and Iniesta, and now we would have nobody or maybe Frenkie (we need to see how he will fit)

So, on paper, that midfield doesn't look that bad as long as Messi and Dembele are here and fit.
But again, Messi is old and might get injured.
Dembele had 5 long injuries in 2 years here.
Not to mention that we already have 4 players who are hybrids of a pivot and CM: Busi, Frenkie, Arthur and even Rakitic.
Too many similar players and now even the 5th guy, Ndombele, who would cost 70-80M.
If we have enough money, fine.
If not, it would probably be wiser to invest in other areas or in different type of midfielders.


Well-known member
Too many similar players and now even the 5th guy, Ndombele, who would cost 70-80M.
If we have enough money, fine.
If not, it would probably be wiser to invest in other areas or in different type of midfielders.

^^ That's why I think de Zigt at 25-35 mil is such a bargain! + he already jives well with Frenkie

would be so cool having Leo at the end of those passes :dream:

and here's the 1v1 comp --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnnZOvh4gxY

+ he's the type who wouldn't hesitate to take his own shots at goal even with Neo on the pitch. He even gets criticised for doing it too much at times :giggle:


Unless we get a player like debryne I don't know who we could actually get that could fit that profile? Just look at Liverpool, athleticism gives you a gigantic advantage.
There are players like Auoar ziyech and eriksen as well but they're more of a question mark compared to debryne etc.


New member
I really, really want this guy. Him and Frenkie could form an iconic duo IMO. Imagine Ndombele-De Jong as the base of the midfield with Vidal in front of them constantly making runs in the box. What a midfield. Would dominate anyone.

Arizona Scott

New member
One thing I noticed about his profile is he only has a few goals to his name across many years.

Would he really round out De Jong and Arthur in the midfield of the future or would Kai Havertz or Bruno Fernandes or Fekir add more of an attacking and scoring dimension?

I am not discounting him, just want to see discussion on this.

Jair Ventura

New member
One thing I noticed about his profile is he only has a few goals to his name across many years.

Would he really round out De Jong and Arthur in the midfield of the future or would Kai Havertz or Bruno Fernandes or Fekir add more of an attacking and scoring dimension?

I am not discounting him, just want to see discussion on this.

... Are you sure you’re familiar with Ndombele? Why are you mentioning him alongside Havertz, Fernandez, or Felix? Entirely different roles/positions.

Arizona Scott

New member
That is his point
Do we need someone with his role? Or someone with those players profile

Yes, thank you. And I was referring to his teammate Fekir, not Felix. Question is could Ndombele adapt to a more forward position and be threat (say if Fekir wasn't there for Lyon), b/c I don't see Arthur or De Jong doing that.

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