Sergio Busquets


Lol at people who call him 'done', yeah whenever he gets the ball he has a lot of options to pass the ball to right ? give him a proper midfielder likes of Verratti and see how both would boss the midfield.


New member
He is dreadful. Starting to think Paulinho wouldn't be such a bad signing anymore. At least he's strong defensively.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
He needs to be surrounded by two mobile midfielders at this point. With, say Bob and Coutinho he will be alright. Plus he always tends to "sleep" in the first games of a season.


President of FC Barcelona
His motivation (due to too many trophies won) and pace (due to age) are gone.

Turtle Busquets, Turtle Rakitic, Turtle Gomes.
The slowest midfield trio ever in La liga?

And then, we have Real's midfielders who can actually run like normal people, and not like turtles.

Yet he's been outstanding for Spain with actual midfielders.

I don't get what people expect of him. To cover 60m of space when his midfield partners are utterly useless(apart from when Iniesta plays) and running around like headless chickens not able to control the ball or make a forward pass.

It's the same argument Messi gets slated for when we get shat on like tonight.

Busquets is not a miracle worker.

Same with Pique when Vidal or Roberto goes sleeping and he has to cover the winger and Marcelo on the overlap.


I've never understood the "lost hunger because of trophies" argument. Elite level players, and certainly not all time greats, don't get to where they are with the mindset that they can coast once they've made it.


New member
I don't understand how people can continuously make excuses for him. His lack of pace is EMBARRASSING. He can only merits a place in a team that has 70+% possession otherwise he is mincemeat.


President of FC Barcelona
He merits a place in every functional team in the World.

If people think having a donkey who runs around all day will make the team better then LOL

Obviously missing the point and why this team sucks right now.
I don't understand how people can continuously make excuses for him. His lack of pace is EMBARRASSING. He can only merits a place in a team that has 70+% possession otherwise he is mincemeat.

He is only good at being a controller when the team is IN CONTROL. Complete defensive liability.


New member
No one is asking him to run around like a donkey but to have such a glaring weakness is asking for trouble at the highest level.

The only way it can be concealed is

1. Have others who are mobile, play narrow and do all the running for him.

2. Have the lion's share of possession.

Point 1 is unnecessary because Busquets offers very little as an attacking threat so to have others doing the running for him would make us somewhat negative.

2. We no longer have ATG Xavi and Iniesta to boss possession against elite teams so his weakness will always be a major Achilles heel for the team.


He has the ozil syndrome. His skillsets helps elevate an already FUNCTIONAL team. People shouldn't expect him to be game changers, thats the job for the attackers. Although I can't deny that he messes up even in things that he's supposed to be good at.


New member
A lot of misplaced passes, constantly lost the ball and didn't do anything good during the 90 minutes.

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