Semifinal: Netherlands - Argentina 0-0 (2-4 pk)

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hopefully his plan fails miserably

This guy subbed a fckn goalkeeper in the 120th minute and it worked. Dude can't fail


u mad?

Ryu Hayabusa

In that case I will be rooting for the Dutch, the underdogs.

Have had too much basura from the Germany fans in the past week. There has to be a cure for their arrogance.

:D :D

As for the van Gaal vs. Sabella discussion I don't get how anyone can honestly think that there is even a remote possibility for the legend van Gaal to be outsmarted by that guy:

Pepe Silvia

Active member
Sabella talks about working with humility and solidarity as a team. I hope the boys fight for every inch, and leave with no regrets at the final whistle. The rest The Almighty decides. And if after everything, its really the dutch who's to progress, then good for them. I'll be here to congratulate them.


New member
Here's to a great game :beer2: If the Dutch progress I'll root for them in the final. They really deserve a title... but having said that it would be desperately sad to see a player of Messi's talent never play in a final. He has Russia 2018 but it feels like it's now or never for him.


New member
i think it will be a tight game. for me, the key to this game rests on two players, one from each team. for holland, if nigel de jong is crucial. i predict holland is going to play with 5 defenders and will try to play two CDMs, but de jong is in a class of his own at disrupting the game. if he plays, i think argentina MF will really struggle, including messi, because he will not get any space. for argentina, the key player is agueuro. i've been hearing that he might be fit to play, but no confirmation of this. with di maria out, argentina DESPERATELY need someone to take pressure off of messi. lavezzi has had a disappointing world cup. even though higuain scored last game, he also has looked out of sorts. aguero can give argentina that boost, and give holland defense something to think about. but really, di maria is a huge huge miss for argentina, because he was sharing midfield duties with messi, and now with him out, it really leaves the two CDMs to feast on messi for 90 minutes.

i hate to admit this, but i really think holland has an edge for today's game. they are going to sit back, and then try to break with robben, rvp, and sneider. meanwhile, messi is going to struggle without di maria to divert some attention away from him, and i expect two to three holland players to jump on messi every time he touches the ball. unless higuain or ageuro can play out of their skins, this game is going to be very hard. i think argentina match up much better with germany or brazil, but they will struggle with holland. i expect the game to be very similar to the spain game actually, and while the final result might not be as brutal, i think holland is going to edge this game sadly. man i hope messi and co prove me wrong, but i just feel like holland's counter-attackign football will be too strong for argentina.
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