YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! A little recognition. This kid was brilliant in the Olympics and in the Gulf tournament he has lit it up on fire. There is no doubt though, Mabkhout and Ahmed Khalil pulled through in the last two matches. The entire team is around 22 years old, all very young and have been the same group for the longest time. I am yet to see an Emaraty team with such mental strength, not since Adnan El Talyani and Saad Bakheet. Hope they win. The football they play is actually really good to watch, some of the stuff I saw was incredible one touch passes and it is not like they fucked up in the end, no, they completed their strings of passes and lead to a dangerous chance.
Also, Emaraty players do not move, they live like KINGS in UAE, why'd they move elsewhere? I hope UAE start sending their 13-14 year olds to Europe to at least train with European clubs to elevate their game, learn new things and learn different cultures. They have access to Real Madrid, Manchester City, AC Milan, PSG and I don't know what other clubs I have missed. If they send 1-3 players to each team for the summer to train and learn and bring them back (or leave them) to play together for a year that will surely take UAE to the next step.