Man of the Match 13/14 edition

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The Official MoM-thread award - 13/14 Edition
Almeria, La Liga, away (2-0

1. Xavi (35,9%) Xavi, hands down. Added what was missing, his brilliant positioning to move the ball through the middle, from back all the way to front. No one else has his positional awareness, and always moving to be in the right place to knit play together. Underestimated by those who think he's past his prime ~ BerkeleyBernie
2. Bartra (27,4%) Seemed all over the place today but in a good way. The best match I've seen him play yet. Hopefully he continues to improve ~ Paganinisrvnge
3. Messi (23,5%) Provided inspiration that was missing after he got subbed off, scored a golazo ~ suckabov

Random fact(s) of the round:
- Messi set yet another record today, as he snatched his 6th top 3 award in a row. A feat that has never been done before.
- Bartra's first Top 3 award of the season, and only his second in the history of these rankings.
- Just 12,4% seperated number 1 and 3. That's the lowest spread so far this season.


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