

New member
I hope he gets some of the soft games in the league now with Dembele injured - he, Coutinho and Alena should get more playing-time up until the next round in CL.


New member
I think he’s been horribly mismanaged. He’s fallen victim to Valverde’s cronyism, who is consistently guilty of picking on reputation rather than form.

He played really well against Madrid a few weeks ago and his reward?...a grand total of 5 minutes in a six week period. No doubt people will criticism him if he performs less than adequately next time he is randomly afforded a start. Players need match rhythm and confidence. Malcom certainly doesn’t have the former, and I’d be surprised if he has the latter.

I still can’t believe that this deep into the season, we haven’t seen a Dembele—-Messi—-Malcom front three ONCE. Almost certainly the paciest forward line we could put out. I don’t want to hear it wouldn’t work, because it’s never been tried.


Senior Member
If he doesn't get chances after the game is done 3-0 , he never will . Specially when there was around half an hour to play left.

He should leave for his future. The coach probably has something against him.


Active member
He should leave for his future. The coach probably has something against him.

Exactly, I don't like to be conspicuous, but there is definitely something going on, behind the scenes.

This man gave chance to bums like Deulofeu, Denis, Rafinha, Gomes, but doesn't even bother to play a guy who fucking scored in the clasico.

I just hope it doesn't come to haunt him later. I hope we don't get any injuries, else we're doomed. Malcom was signed to give depth, but what good is he, if he doesn't even play in these kind of matches.
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Senior Member
yeah this is deeper than 'i wanted Willian' throwing toys out the pram.. Malcom either really does suck or hes half arsed in training.. its gotta be something. Vidal playing on the wing is ridiculous


Well-known member
What did this guy do to EV? Something gotta be... You can't be such a prick to someone as EV is to Malcom if there's not something behind.

If it is just a pure fucking around wuth Malcom set by EV than it is under every level of taste.


Improvin' Perfection!!
Maybe this is how the idiot, that Fraudverde is, integrates youngsters into his teams - Even with Arthur he didn't play him at all and one fine day boom - He had to start against Spurs at White Hart Lane! May be something like that awaits Malcom too!!


Mike the Knife
Seems pretty clear Malcom doesn't really have a future at Barcelona with Valverde in charge, mind boggling really - in the key stretch of the season, Dembele injured & Coutinho largely ineffective. He is the only other attacking player in the squad, beggars belief really but these are Valverde things - let's not even talk about Alena. Puig? Gotta say the future does not look bright in terms of integration

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