Ivan Rakitić


Well-known member
I don't care what he said 10 years ago. I don't care what he said ten minutes ago.


They were indeed a few years ago (2012) but he was still a mature 24 year old regular for Sevilla ( captain?) certainly not a confused teenager.. still very disappointing revelations and yet another thing for others to hate on us for .. most still criticise us for constant diving which is , of course , complete nonsense

Incidentally ..

This is ‘supposedly’ Rakitic’s response .. again copy and pasted ;)

Rakitic (about his homophobic comments): "It was a misunderstanding. I don't mind sharing a locker room with anyone who is a good person."


Best midfielder around
Of course he doesn’t want to leave. Fat paycheck while playing every damn game. Valverde needs to leave, or we are stuck with both for another season.


Get the fuck out of this club. Nobody wants him to stay, unless you have brain problems. I legit miss Fabregas when I see this ultimate fraud with a Barca shirt.


High Definition Member
The implication of his statement was also that he “respects” black people but would prefer not to share a dressing room with them. So he could be a low-key racist.


Senior Member
[FONT=&quot]<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Henderson recognising the chance to press in a weird positioning of Rakitic and unnecessarily coming close to Lenglet. <a href="https://t.co/GjwRdkYB9g">pic.twitter.com/GjwRdkYB9g</a></p>— david goigitzer (@david_goigitzer) <a href="https://twitter.com/david_goigitzer/status/1126179115139309573?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 8, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>[/FONT]


Senior Member
If Shitgreen is staying Rakitic almost surely won't leave anywhere, terrbile terrbile game from him too.


Senior Member
“Stop making things up” – Barcelona star hits back at transfer rumours as he’s linked with €50M switch to Italian giants


Senior Member
He can stay if he's purely used as and when needed, so against the lesser la liga teams and copa del rey to give a rest to Arthur, Frenkie, Busquets and Aleña. If his role is to be more than that (which it will be with valverde) he needs to leave. On top of that we could even make a small profit from his sale. The money from him and gomes plus another 10m-30m pays for de ligt

Andrew M

New member
If those quotes are true that is truly grotesque and I'm ashamed that he play for us. We need to get rid asap. He is too comfortable here. I don't care if it is a free transfer at this point.


Senior Member
Why the fuck are the fans booing Coutinho and even Busquets, but not even one boo for this fucker? Raki IS THE FIRST who should be out the door this summer, even before Coutinho and Suarez.

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