Champions League 2016/17


Staff member
Get Bernardo Silva, Lemos and a manager who can motivate team and we are back.

Realistic scenario too if we play our cards right.


New member
Btw. Even under Rijkaard first season they said dark days ahead and yet we topped the World. In Frank's last year it was doom and gloom and yet we came back stronger than ever under Pep. Pep left, dark days ahead again and yet Barca wins a treble.

Now it's dark days ahead once more. Sure, things are having a downturn but change is ahead and FCB history taught us never to give up on this club.

Yes but there is a major difference and it is Messi. He was the factor that made us believe that a revival is always possible even under the worst circonstances.

Taking into consideration his age its not sufficient anymore. We need at least 2 great midfilders and a world class RB, and the best are not avaliable. To make thing worse the board is unpredictable.


Culé de Celestial Empire
real had five consecutive CL round of 16 exits to some truly horrible is about cycles, they're at the peak of theirs while we are at the end of ours. the only thing in our favor right now that our decade of dominance has brought us tons of money and fans and that in turn has bought us time to rebuild...we have the next 4-5 seasons to sort the ship before we enter into something of permanent decline like milan or liverpool or utd (they're almost there).

things change VERY fast in football, with the right singings and managerial appointment we could be in the mix as early as next season. remember we still have messi and neymar.

It would be interesting to see how we fare after Messi leaves (we might see an exodus of Messi fans), what kind of hit we will take with our brand name and if we will be able to retain the sort of top level financial prestige we have today. Everything hinges on how competitive we will be on the pitch of course.

There is that danger of sliding to AC Milan's level though, if we are not probably managed.


New member
If i had to pick right now, between CL and la liga, i would still pick CL. Nothing compares to this tournament, imo.

Go celebrate on your own club forum, dont get it why you are here after great win from your club, first 20 minutes you were crying here how would real get destroyed, quite annoying


Senior Member
Let's not give up. Juventus still has to come to Camp Nou. 90 mins is a lot of time.

Go celebrate on your own club forum, dont get it why you are here efter great win from your club, quite annoying

Nothing wrong with what he's saying.
We have had just as much as luck on our heydays as RM have had, rather that was teams we've faced that had crucial injuries, players suspended, from ref decisions such as red cards, PK, etc. in our favor. I remember someone once said that what goes around comes around and at the end everything balances itself out, as much as I've seen us benefit from calls, I've also seen us get screwed, most people don't look at this because they despise, as and the same is for RM, they've had their own luck go against them and now it's coming around to even things out for them.


Senior Member
Get Bernardo Silva, Lemos and a manager who can motivate team and we are back.

Realistic scenario too if we play our cards right.

Most likely scenario of the summer signings (and I'm not joking): Bellerin, Samper, Deulofeu, Cancelo, and one mid from mid-table La Liga side.


New member
We have had just as much as luck on our heydays as RM have had, rather that was teams we've faced that had crucial injuries, players suspended, from ref decisions such as red cards, PK, etc. in our favor. I remember someone once said that what goes around comes around and at the end everything balances itself out, as much as I've seen us benefit from calls, I've also seen us get screwed, most people don't look at this because they despise, as and the same is for RM, they've had their own luck go against them and now it's coming around to even things out for them.

Every team need a bit of luck if they are to win anything but Barca were nowhere near as lucky as Madrid have been! This should be clear!


New member
Let's not give up. Juventus still has to come to Camp Nou. 90 mins is a lot of time.

Nothing wrong with what he's saying.

I just noticed that guy was trolling first half of how bad was real playing, which was not the case then later bitching why real didnt score more, cmon, its pretty bad acting on forum full of your biggest rival fans


Senior Member
Real look so fucking strong that's the problem. Honestly, the only team that even looks like they stand a chance against Real is Juve.

I don't feel like Bayern is going to be able to stop them anymore. In fact I think Bayern are going to go through a difficult transition period themselves when they lose Lahm, Alonso, Robben and Ribery which will all happen pretty soon.

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