Andoni Zubizarreta



can't the socios put pressure on making elections in the summer or something?


Senior Member
What a pathetic moron. Tata probably feels pissed now to be screwed over by the board...
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New member
He is a disgusting idiot. But, but...

The real bitter thing is that because of this fuckin' management people are making joke of our motto, 'More Than a Club'.

In the Liverpool - WestHam game there were written on the scoreboard or a banner:

"We're a lot more than a club".



Senior Member
After all the fiasco, anti fans have a lot of things to spill on us. Messi' tax invasion fiasco, neymar fiasco, rofuk fiasco, transfer ban, owned by A freaking Maldrid. It is their happiest time right now

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After all the fiasco, anti fans have a lot of things to spill on us. Messi' tax invasion fiasco, neymar fiasco, rofuk fiasco, transfer ban, owned by A freaking Maldrid. It is their happiest time right now

And we can't do anything against this which annoys me the most. Our club's reputation goes down like shit and the board only cares if the VIP people have enough shrimps to eat in the year 2021.


New member
can't the socios put pressure on making elections in the summer or something?

We've gone over this, it used to be easier to get a vote of no confidence but Rosell changed it so that now you need 15% of socis to vote in favor of it (used to be 5%). Which is very hard to get with the political makeup of the majority of socis in Barcelona. And it seems like the majority of people that are actually being outspoken are either not socis (who can't join under the restrictions), or they're foreign-based (since you have to physically be in BCN to vote, even if you are a soci). It's like Rosell knew he'd piss a lot of people off during his presidency, so made all these new rules first to make it nearly impossible to remove him/Bartomeu or his board.


barça amor d mi alma
Zubizarreta: "Yesterday we were very good, with 80% of possession, we just couldn't finish in the last pass / header"

Zubizarreta: "From the point of view of the results it is the worst time to be a sports director"

Zubizarreta: "I think the league fight will continue to the last minute of the last game, we will never surrender"

Zubizarreta: "We will give a lot to our fans who have suffered a lot this week" (abput CDR final )

Zubizarreta: "We take pride in our character and values.That's what will make us have a chance to win a title"

Zubizarreta: "I do not rule out, not yet. Pique's eyes say he wants to be in the Cup final, but his body is not yet ready.He is recovering well."

Zubizarreta: "The great player we have for that position is Leo" ( On position 9 )

Zubizarreta:. "No,we don't miss Mourinho's Madrid,whoever the coach is,will always be an arch rival"

Zubizarreta: "Leo is fine. He is physically fit and his relationship with the club is absolutely perfect."

Zubizarreta: "I do not even doubt about messi for half a second."

Zubizarreta : "He's happy, he trains well, he is physically well. But he knows that football gives you challenges every week.Leo and every players know their responsibilities. "
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ze special one

zubi that is. sorry for people with eplipsee (or however u spell that shit)

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