Abde Ezzalzouli


Senior Member
I don't know shat you were watching bu this kid is good.

10x player then Ferret and Fati.

Doing great job at Osasuna.

Just scored goal, and best player on the pitch.


Staff member
Think he'll be very useful option for us next season. One of those rare occasions when loans work for us.


Senior Member
Nah he isnt better than Fati or Ferran and folk make out he does things he doesnt.

Mayve played well toay didnt see it but he was shit in the final and doesnt create much for Osasuna as so often made out.

Stll doubt Xavi sees much in him he wants.

Could be wrong. Lets see.

Edit: Just saw goal. Decent. He created one chance.. others created six and he had an abysmal 8 poor touches.

Seems like typical Abde game and one of his dribbles came off for a goal in amongst a lot of poor touches and little creativty.


Mike the Knife
Think he'll be very useful option for us next season. One of those rare occasions when loans work for us.
Assuming he isn’t sold, might be the only time it would’ve worked out

Might also be linked to Raphinha, Ferran & Ansu and whether transfer fees will total enough to balance FFP. Kessié will be in that equation too - need to get 100M total


Senior Member
Has worked before and Barca dont loan their top prospects enough.

Rafinha worked and came back to have more prominence in first team than Abde will.

Regardless loans are not only to develop long term first team players but to improve the value of the player to Barca whether that be to sell , as a squad player or first team player.


Senior Member
This guy 10x player the Ferret and Fati.

Comentator was praising him whole game, he was really good againat RM, he wastes a lot of balls but he is much better then thus two idiots that even blind man can see.

His dribbling amd agility is top for his age


Senior Member
10-20 mil is peanuts.

If they are smart, they will keep him on loan or bring him back.

He stays on loan, have breakthrough season, can get sold for much more, or you get player that can be useful for first team.


Senior Member
He will never be worth more than he is now.

Also 10-20m for a midtable player in our situation are not peanuts. That's half a genuine talent (like Roque).


Senior Member
He was poor v Real.

The fact folk make out played well there says it all.

Folk make out he is some kind of creative player dont watch him.

Not even nearly one of the most creative players at Osasuna and makes basic errors time and again.

What he does have is the ability to off the cuff have a good moment/dribble and teams may pay for him to try and see where that goes if can make him more consistent.

Nowhere near been the player this season as is made out at times and owuld need to improve massively to be anything Barca need.


Senior Member
He was poor v Real.

The fact folk make out played well there says it all.

Folk make out he is some kind of creative player dont watch him.

Not even nearly one of the most creative players at Osasuna and makes basic errors time and again.

What he does have is the ability to off the cuff have a good moment/dribble and teams may pay for him to try and see where that goes if can make him more consistent.

Nowhere near been the player this season as is made out at times and owuld need to improve massively to be anything Barca need.
Stop using drugs.

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