6 - Gavi


Senior Member
Stop playing these kids all the time. That is gonna fix most of the issues. Let them mature first. The team can afford to win nothing big for 2-3 years.

Having their knees done by age of 24 would be a terrible plan.

No serious club does this.

El Gato

serghei's impression of the club's financial health and possible projections for the future is truly a marvel

If were so easy to just take it for granted it'd take 3-5 years of being a Dortmund they'd have done it. At the moment too many people to pay so have to maintain some level of success to balance books instead of getting self in more debt and lowering the FFP cap even more through loss of income over time

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
Stop playing these kids all the time. That is gonna fix most of the issues. Let them mature first. The team can afford to win nothing big for 2-3 years.

Having their knees done by age of 24 would be a terrible plan.

No serious club does this.
No serious club waves the white flag for 2-3 years, which is essentially what you are asking them to do.

Barca must always compete for trophies, especially a La Liga that is a glorified pub league now.

The level of football around the world is arguably the poorest it's ever been. To tap out when the competition is so weak would be nothing short of cowardly.

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
serghei's impression of the club's financial health and possible projections for the future is truly a marvel

If were so easy to just take it for granted it'd take 3-5 years of being a Dortmund they'd have done it. At the moment too many people to pay so have to maintain some level of success to balance books instead of getting self in more debt and lowering the FFP cap even more through loss of income over time
Barca and Laporta would never take 3-5 years of being a Dortmund. That's why he pulled the levers in the first place. He's a serial winner. And nobody has been more austere than Barca the last 2 seasons , yet the Real Madrid fanatic in charge lowered the FFP regardless.

The main pot of gold is qualifying for the Champions League. The money for actually winning trophies is vastly exaggerated and not nearly close to being a deal-breaker. Can be made up by playing glorified friendlies, which is what they are contemplating by going to the USA mid season for 4m.


Senior Member
No serious club waves the white flag for 2-3 years, which is essentially what you are asking them to do.

Barca must always compete for trophies, especially a La Liga that is a glorified pub league now.

The level of football around the world is arguably the poorest it's ever been. To tap out when the competition is so weak would be nothing short of cowardly.

Better than playing non-stop La Masia teenagers, 16-17 year old kids that aren't physically ready to play such a tough schedule.

There's a reason not a single elite club does this. Take a look how many minutes talented kids like Foden and Elliott played for City or Pool 1st teams at 17. There's a reason players don't feature at extremely young ages for the main team. Not because they aren't talented enough lol, but because their bodies are not ready to cope. This may be a shock to some, but technical level is not the only factor that counts, the physical component is huge.

If you can't afford to sign good enough players because the finances are shit, then you take the hit for a few years.
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Senior Member
LaMasia guys like Gavi are only playing every minute because of:-
A) Xavi insistence of playing them inspire of poor form
B) Injury problems.

Barcelona has to remain competitive to maintain income levels through sponsorships and ticketing. It's non negotiable. And especially now after the levers.


Senior Member
No, they are playing because the club expects to compete for big titles. In the absence of these talents, you'd have some average players or some cheaper rejects due to low funds.

Xavi plays them because he is expected to get titles, that's the club's priority. And the one of the fans also. Short term thinking. If most of our talents fade away or succumb to injuries, the club is in deep shit.


Senior Member
Barcelona has to remain competitive to maintain income levels through sponsorships and ticketing. It's non negotiable. And especially now after the levers.
Ok, then accept this as the price to pay, that's an option too.

Use these teenagers as good for the moment and if they get affected by injuries because they are forced, loan them to some other team like Fati.

Solid plan.


Senior Member
Ok, then accept this as the price to pay, that's an option too.

Use this teenagers as good for the moment and if they get struggle to injuries because they are forced loan them to some other team like Fati.

The solution may be better squad management and astute signing policy. Not to throw in the towel for 5 years and roll over.

If Pedri, or Gavi (or Lamine) are playing it is because despite there age they are good enough. But then they don't need to play every minute like Pedri under Koeman or Gavi last season where he was below par.

Gavi going down with this injury is going to produce alot of strawman theories. Maybe him playing too much causes it, or maybe it didn't. Maybe it was his playing style which was causation.

Look in our B team at Angel Alarcon. He went down with long term injuries and he isn't even part of the first team setup. But if he was you would probably cite the fault being us relying on kids.

Also if we look at Ansu he also went down for almost a year during his stage in La Masia. So the re-occurance of his injury problems may likewise not be because of being a first team member either.

But yeah, if we play young players alot they may get hurt. I agree with that. The same goes if we play 30 plus players alot they may get hurt. Or if we play centrebacks on the wing they may get hurt. Or if we play Dembele at all, he may get hurt.


Well-known member
Man, that's tough. One could see every game that he's a fighter, so if someone can come back stronger from a potentially career-changing injury it's him.

Such a diagnosis is a tough pill to swallow and I'm sure he is in great pain both physically and mentally. Support from all sides right after a tough injury is great and all, but please also be there for him when things get rough and hard during the many months of recovery without kicking a ball. That's the even harder part. Being isolated from the team, being isolated from match days etc.


You're welcome
LaMasia guys like Gavi are only playing every minute because of:-
A) Xavi insistence of playing them inspire of poor form
B) Injury problems.

Barcelona has to remain competitive to maintain income levels through sponsorships and ticketing. It's non negotiable. And especially now after the levers.
“C) Lack of better option” should be there are as well


Senior Member
Let's just hope this injury won't fuck him up like Fati
Did the injury really derailed Fati's ascension? He had the same limitations from a technical point of view, before and after the injury.

Gavi started strong, as many wonderkids, but over the past year we all saw his limitations. I think his overall game could be severely impacted by the injury, because he was relying heavily on physicality. But on the technical and mental side he was limited anyway. An injury won't change his brain.

El Gato

I mean it clearly did. Pre injury Fati had a bit of explosiveness to him coming off the wing and was lethal at finishing to point people thought it's better off having him over Vini

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