11 - Neymar Jr. - v4

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New member
Pique was also drunk as s... during treble celebrations and noone seemed to care about that. :) Oh, and Messi during a celebration of Pep's treble (I think) too. And Iniesta and so on and on. They all deserved to celebrate for a day or two after a long and successful season. I'd be more worried if they would be partying while we wouldn't win anything.

Personally I also don't mind if players drink something during their off-days or hollidays. As long as they know their limit and where they are (if they are in public they should behave themselves). I don't think Neymar has really crossed any line so far to be concerned about him. But on the other hand he's a young Brazilian superstar and we have some bad past experience with them so the club (mostly indirectly through his more experienced team mates) should keep an eye on him.

I don't think it's problem either, it's just somebody said that he apparently doesn't drink. Anyway, I don't care much about what players do in their lives outside of the pitch.


Staff member
Directly to blame for Real winner as Carvajal was bis player and he just watched him go.

Other than that, he was just the same. Terrible. Party on Neyboy, party on!


New member
Frustrating to watch, loosing the damn ball in the middle of the pitch IS NEVER A WISE CHOICE but he fukin just keep doing it, trying to dribble past the wall of RM defense, etc. Boring.
Directly to blame for Real winner as Carvajal was bis player and he just watched him go.

Other than that, he was just the same. Terrible. Party on Neyboy, party on!

When he doesn't score goals, he seems so out of touch with the team - passing late, trying useless tricks that usually backfire, keeping the ball unnecessary, shooting from impossible angles. He should learn simplicity is a virtue if it's done right and reduce the "wild card" factor when faced with hardened teams that aren't prone to giving up after a dribble.


All 3 of MSN were horrible today. They were all disconnected, Suarez and Messi looking tired, Messi in midfield. It was a horror show.


Best midfielder around
Did he even get one dribble today? Weird to see him so deep in Carvajal's pocket like today.


New member
Suarez may have missed a sitter but Neymar has been terrible! Where is neymar?? What happen to the neymar before january?! I have a hard time understanding why he just a nightmare every game he is just bad what is going on here????!???


Best midfielder around
He's been gone since November. The Clasico at the Bernabau. He was so fucking amazing until then. Crazy dribbles and the clinical finishing. Hope we get to see that Neymar again one day.


Senior Member
It amazes me how more people don't criticize him. He has been a shadow of himself since January/February. I keep mentioning it in the chat but no one really pays attention to it. He was playing insanely well during the first half of the season, what happened??
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