1 - Marc-Andre ter Ansplant


Senior Member
Throwback to when people wanted to sell MAtS to keep Bravo.

We probably hindered his development for a couple of years which could have turned out to be catastrophic for us, but luckily he's tough as nails.

Perhaps we should wait another season before condemning Dembele too? You would think people learn here, but obviously not.

You're right about Dembele. Posters here have no patience whatsoever. Dembele is here to stay. His ceiling is very high and I'm confident about him reaching his potential.

If a team is struggling it can make it alot harder for new players. Alot depends on the manager also. Lucho was a great motivator but average tactician.


Senior Member
Throwback to when people wanted to sell MAtS to keep Bravo.

We probably hindered his development for a couple of years which could have turned out to be catastrophic for us, but luckily he's tough as nails.

Perhaps we should wait another season before condemning Dembele too? You would think people learn here, but obviously not.
[MENTION=18533]Mandrake[/MENTION] @bojan


Throwback to when people wanted to sell MAtS to keep Bravo.

We probably hindered his development for a couple of years which could have turned out to be catastrophic for us, but luckily he's tough as nails.

Perhaps we should wait another season before condemning Dembele too? You would think people learn here, but obviously not.

Don't think we hindered his development.


New member
you guys do know that wearing the armband means absolutely nothing except having to attend the coin flip and shake hands with other refs?
our team has many leaders and they don't step down just because they don't have some dumb yellow armband

Pique, Busquets, Iniesta, Messi.
we have natural leaders in all lines in our formation, and it's not because they are from la masia or whatever.. they step up and encourage the rest when shit gets rough.. they mentor and teach the new players
we don't need a gatttuso type of leader yelling and demanding attention all over the field that's not a leader, that's a man child trying to show passion

I’ve thought a bit about this, and I’m actually not fully convinced that we have that many leaders on the field. Both Iniesta and Xavi were leaders by example, and not vocal ones, like we usually think about. Maybe you don’t have to be Puyol or Mascherano to be a good Barca-captain, but it is harder to see Busquets and Pique grabbing the team by the neck and dragging them through a downperiod during a match.

Imo, Roberto is more like that – he also has the experience from the 6-1 now, several classicos. There is no doom and gloom from my perspective, but we should keep in mind which type of mentality our new signings have, to be sure we don’t end up too soft.


You're welcome

The captain's role also allows you to protest against yellow cards for your team's players. Non-captains are not allowed to do that.


Senior Member

Agreed with your point but the problem is I don't see many young born leaders/captains like Puyol not only at Barça but overall in the world of football. Youngsters nowadays are more concerned about their hairstyle, twitter, money, partying,... than taking whole team on their shoulders and lead it through good and bad (and it's bad times when good captains are most needed).

I know club and NT football are different but Neymar was Brazil captain for some time. Yes, he is their best player and was one of the best young talents in the world 2-3 years ago but I don't consider him as a captain material. The same for Pogba, Dybala,... who are (or were) supposed to take over the football world in the future. I know biggest stars are not always also captains but they are players expected to have even bigger role in their teams in the future and someones who younger players (in their teams and overall) will often consider as their role models. It's too early to judge some 21 and younger players personalities and I could easily overlooked someone who could develop into a great leader but from the insight I have now I just don't see many potential new Puyols, Tottis, Maldinis or Gerrards emerging in upcoming generations. So not having enough leaders could not only become a problem of the future for Barça but for most clubs.

We were spoiled to have a generation of not only great players but also great human beings here in the past as well but especially over the last decade. Not many locker rooms would be strong enough to go through what Iniesta, Messi, Busi,... (and some others that have left already) have with Tito and Abidal cancer alongside Laporta's, Rosell's and Bartomeu's affairs (all of them did their amount of shit that could influence players even more negatively if they were not strong enough) and other more usual football stuff like coaching and players changes and still won what they have. I don't think it's enough appreaciated what they've done going through so much adversity because we as fans always demand more, more and more and are not happy if we only win La Liga or Copa.

So with the old guard slowly but inevitably retiring/leaving in the next 2-4 years we should absolutely look to bring some of that personality back to the club. It will be almost impossible to replicate what we had and still have in some extent and hopefully some of current players (MATS, Umtiti, Coutinho, Roberto,...) will still be here and be able to take over veteran leadership roles when that time will come but when buying new players we should also consider their character almost as much as their football talent. I know many people are on "sign every 20 year old kid that has shown some potential and we'll be settled for the future" train but things are not that easy. Even if we'll be lucky and find the right players talentwise they could still fail if they won't have the right mentality and at the same time we won't have strong enough locker room to support them. While I'm not against rejuvenating the team (and that process has already started 2 years ago) we should still try to find the right balance between veterans and youngsters if we don't want to turn into Arsenal from a few years ago (Wenger has also changed his approach recently because he's finally starting to feel pressure on him but I think it's already too late).

Sorry for using Neymar's example again but I think it's very possible he wouldn't develop into what he's today if he'd come to a different European team where he'd be made as a star of the team immediately when he was 21. For all we know he could even turn into the next Robinho or any of the other once highly promising Brazilian youngsters that have later failed in another club without Messi, Xavi, Iniesta,... guiding and helping him. Importance of veteran leadership is still often overlooked when people are making their "dream teams" of the future and we shouldn't forget about that when planning future after Iniesta, Busi, Pique and especially Messi.


President of FC Barcelona

Why are you trying to kick up controversy by tagging posters boyyyyyyyyyyyy

Why you do this boy, why

Mandrake was an idiot who was a Chile fan and didn't give a shit about Barca so he obviously disappeared when Bravo got sold and ter Stegen started doing well. Too bad he was allowed almost a free reign until he fucked off himself.


President of FC Barcelona
Good post.

Don't think we really hindered his development though. It was a good decision to also bring Bravo at the same time and let MATS adapting in his first season with less pressure.

Don't think we hindered his development.

I cannot obviously say this with 100% certainty, but I believe he would have been showing this level of play from season two had he gotten to start then. Bravo did well though and we won the domestic double so you cannot say it was a bad decision in those terms, but looking at his peers and just how GKs are in general, playing regularly is what they need the most. I think his lack of regular games is what hurt him the most last season, but he's bounced back amazingly this year.

If you look at DDG and how his situation was handled, he started, but got dropped to protect him from the media frenzy after he made some mistakes, but it didn't take long for Ferguson to put him back again as he backed him 100%, and de Gea responded in epic fashion. Same with Oblak after he took a few months to get rid of his small injury issue.

Those two + Courtois(who sucks now though, but I think he just hates being in Chelsea as he never wanted to return) never had to wait two full seasons to play the league.

ter Stegen is playing catch up right now. There's a reason Germany's NT setup were telling him to look for other options and he told the club they had to pick him or Bravo.
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Senior Member
Why are you trying to kick up controversy by tagging posters boyyyyyyyyyyyy

Why you do this boy, why

Mandrake was an idiot who was a Chile fan and didn't give a shit about Barca so he obviously disappeared when Bravo got sold and ter Stegen started doing well. Too bad he was allowed almost a free reign until he fucked off himself.

That's how this forum thrives


New member
Why are you trying to kick up controversy by tagging posters boyyyyyyyyyyyy

Why you do this boy, why

Mandrake was an idiot who was a Chile fan and didn't give a shit about Barca so he obviously disappeared when Bravo got sold and ter Stegen started doing well. Too bad he was allowed almost a free reign until he fucked off himself.

Ahh, the sad mother fucker whose spent the last 7 years of his life on the forum still remembers me

Remember what Barca won with Bravo? Everything. Remember MATS constant fails?

Barca just got thrashed and humiliated by a much inferior team, having spent millions on the best players of the world. And having the best players of the world.

Instead of talking about me, remember Roma, who just took a shit in your mouth


President of FC Barcelona
Ahh, the sad mother fucker whose spent the last 7 years of his life on the forum still remembers me

Remember what Barca won with Bravo? Everything. Remember MATS constant fails?

Barca just got thrashed and humiliated by a much inferior team, having spent millions on the best players of the world. And having the best players of the world.

Instead of talking about me, remember Roma, who just took a shit in your mouth

I didn't tag you, you retard.

Oh, you're back again to shit on Barca. How is Bravo doing in Manchester right now? Still losing balls and conceding goals at his near post while playing the league cup and warming the bench while Ederson is playing?

When Barca had Bravo we won the league, just like we're winning the league now. Perhaps you forgot or are too much of an imbecile to remember when you're not sucking off your moms tits while wanking off to Bravo comps, but ter Stegen played in the CL and CDRs we won :)


New member
No, you're too much of a chicken shit to tag me. The kind of bitch that likes to talk about someone but doesn't dare say the shit to his face.

I so fucking enjoyed today Barca being torn apart by Roma. ROMA! Having won 4-1 in Camp Nou! And there was your favorite "best keeper in the world" Ter Stegen, being part of a historical humiliation. I knew you'd be crying here.. was nice seeing you remembering me. That's why I came to the forum.

Kisses bitch


President of FC Barcelona
Why the fuck would I tag you lol when you pussied out of the forum once you were exposed for going to every forum with your shit? You're irrelevant to the point I was making which was a general point about how many wanted to keep butter fingers instead.
[MENTION=20484]gasgas[/MENTION] tagged you, but yeah I do remember an asshole and bitch very well. You're still sticking to that script.

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