Thomas Tuchel


Senior Member
Wasn't THAT long ago, although 3 seasons is a long time.

In general, Tuchel would probably be far better in knockouts, whilst Xavi is better in league play and getting 3 points every week.

Another issue with Tuchel is he tends to fall out with his boards quickly and considering the politics at play in this club/poor finances he may very quickly become unhappy and the wheels would start to come off the bus.

Don't think he falls out that quickly
At Chelsea he never fell with Marina. Bohley didn't want him and ousted him in first bad spell


Senior Member
Plus, what you guys shall consider is not that we won't have him simply

Is that RM will have him if we don't


Senior Member
Everyone knows that I would take Tuchel over Xavi anyday.
I don't think he'd be a good fit at Real Madrid personality wise. Football wise yes but I don't think he'd fit well with Perez. Tuchel can be difficult and Perez prefers a quiet yes man who gets on with the job. I actually think he'd be more at home here.


Well-known member
Wow Thomas has really said he will leave Bayern!

He is a top coach but he is too strict imo, won't fit with Barca

I think he would be the perfect Liverpool coach, he can replace Klopp once again


Senior Member
Bayern wanted him to stay but fair play he sticks with his principles

We should sign him

He’s been my absolute number 1 pick since day 1 him or Motta and it seems Motta is Juve bound

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