Sergio Busquets


New member
I really hope Lucho does what most people think He'll do and move Masche back to midfield. Not even talking about playing both at the same time (though I'd give it a chance). Just have Masche there as a backup to the boss will mean more rest for him. The drop in class from Busquets to Masche is nothing like Busquets to Song.


The boss in the midfield

The skills that make Busquets the master of the midfield

No one would think Sergio Busquets is only 26 years old. And we are not saying this only because of his track record, but because of his style of playing. Because if someone sees him running the midfield, they find easier to believe that he is a 30 year-old veteran.

Because if we start talking about Sergio’s skills, we would probably reach the same conclusion: that we are talking about the best defensive midfielder in the planet. For this Player Skills we have wanted to focus on the way he plays and everything that makes him so good.

If someone watching this video likes to play as a midfielder, better take notes, because this is how it’s done.


New member
I've read somewhere in the past that he and xavi used to be the most vocal in the locker room in Pep's era.


Official: Busquets will wear shirt number 5 this season, at the explicit request of Puyol, who wore it in the past seasons




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