Ousmane Dembélé


Culé de Celestial Empire
It's not in Barca's hands. If he wants to leave, he will. As fast as rumours are coming out, I expect him to leave. Too much is speaking for it: he'll receive half of the fee, PSG's salary offer will be much higher than what he is earning currently, he is French, his buddy Mbappe is playing there and PSG will do everything to make him happy and then there is Dembele's agent who'll heavily will advise him to make the move.
If it was in my hands, I would keep him for two reasons. 1. Can't get a proper replacement. Let's be real, in club's current situation Raphinha is the best replacement Barca can get.
2. I fucking hate PSG and Dembele would be the third player after Neymar and Messi PSG "steals" from Barca. They still won't win shit in CL, but Barca is literally the only top club they can do this to. No way PSG would get a top player from Madrid or Bayern that they don't want to get rid off. That's how "small" Barca has become in recent history.

My sentiment exactly. I hate how "small" and vulnerable we have become, no other big clubs have been taken advantage of like we have. Messi doesn't matter, we chose to let him go but Neymar and now potentially Dembele? Can anybody imagine this happening to Madrid, Bayern or even say United (Ronaldo aside and he went to Madrid)? A worse, a lesser team pried our best players away.

Anyways, yeah I think Dembele pretty much is a goner. Many reasons he was tempted by PSG but most importantly it is money. Mbappe will be gone soon, PSG winning the CL is an eternal dream.


Senior Member
Is salary matches what he's contributed since being here, which is not much.
Salary negotiation in reality isn't always about what you've contributed but what the market is willing to give you. I agree that he's not contributed enough but players now earn absurd salary plus we know that we'll surely offer a high salary to any high profile winger we use to replace him


Well-known member
If you think he could leave for free next year, 25M now doesn't sound too bad. Probably always was about leaving this summer with a 25M sign-on fee or next year as a free agent.

Still think he is the most talented attacker in the squad. However, due to is injury-record losing him can be justified in my head alone to that fact. Also, if you think about it, squads two best wingers best position is RW which never was an ideal situation.

With Dembele leaving, Abde is the only attacker left with pace.


Senior Member
None of the more credible Catalan sources reported such. By the way @ManagingBarca is quite idiotic, often reporting some fringe stuff that few believe in. The more credible sources reported that Xavi and Alemany both told him that he is not for sale. And Xavi is supposed to have another meeting with Dembele today to convince him to stay.

It just doesn't make sense that we want to sell him. If we did, why did we try so hard to renew him last summer? We purposedly inserted an idiotic clause so that we hope someone will trigger it? Or we renewed him just to sell him for some money? He is clearly a starter, Laporta and Xavi always pampered him with remarks like "the best player in the world" stuff. Sporting-wise there is a clear need for him. Raphinha and Ferran are all behind him.

Here is the thing:
This whole sage is media-oriented to a great extent. It started by two PSG outlets, and only tonight we heard from Catalan sources and again with conflicting info reflecting only the thoughts of the club.
We haven't heard a single thing yet from a credible journalist reporting the thoughts and intentions of the player himself.

Is this an accident? I think no.
Recall the whole renewal saga last spring that culminated in June with many club-oriented journalists saying what we hear again tonight: 'the club fears of losing him' 'the club considers him lost/gone' etc
Yet, the few credible sources back then reporting on the player's stance reiterated the same thing 'player doesn't want to go'.
What happened at the end is more telling: his contract literally expired, he could have gone anywhere from Chelsea to PSG and pocket a good sign-on bonus and salary, yet when he woke up and realized his contract expired he called Moussa and told him to accept Barca's last offer.
(BTW the 'stupid' clause is there because that happened to be the last offer, with Allemany finding ways to appease Moussa. one of the ways was a short 'bridge' 2 yr contract with buy-out clause)
The fact that he accepted an offer that was well below what his agent wanted for him and what he cold have gotten elsewhere shows that the guy doesn't wanna leave at all

That's why I take the club-based leaks tonight with a grain of salt, knowing as well that they do not reflect at all the player's mind. I am pretty sure Moussa is orchestrating behind the scenes negotiations with PSG, making them active and threatening to activate the clause, so that his customer will get a better offer than what Allemany has already offered. Same for the sources stating they don't trust Deco. It could very well be a facade with the goal of making the club raise their renewal offer.

What about the club now?
The club wants above all not to sell at the release clause, but at a 80-100m price, which would be fair financially in their eyes and would help with capital gain and FFP. Any position that the clubs CATEGORICALLY doesn't want to sell him whatsoever is not true.
Xavi is the only one who 100% is AGAINST selling him, but all of Laporta Allemany Deco would sell if they believe they can't find an agreement with Moussa on wages.


Senior Member
I only hope that he doesn't leave before August 1st. If we want to sell him after that than I am fine with it. That being said if we sell him we need to sign a new winger ASAP.


Senior Member


Senior Member
Problem is his brainless manager. Every summer we have a new type of circus with him. People within the club are probably fed up with Dembele and his agent.


Culé de Celestial Empire
Here is the thing:
This whole sage is media-oriented to a great extent. It started by two PSG outlets, and only tonight we heard from Catalan sources and again with conflicting info reflecting only the thoughts of the club.
We haven't heard a single thing yet from a credible journalist reporting the thoughts and intentions of the player himself.

Is this an accident? I think no.
Recall the whole renewal saga last spring that culminated in June with many club-oriented journalists saying what we hear again tonight: 'the club fears of losing him' 'the club considers him lost/gone' etc
Yet, the few credible sources back then reporting on the player's stance reiterated the same thing 'player doesn't want to go'.
What happened at the end is more telling: his contract literally expired, he could have gone anywhere from Chelsea to PSG and pocket a good sign-on bonus and salary, yet when he woke up and realized his contract expired he called Moussa and told him to accept Barca's last offer.
(BTW the 'stupid' clause is there because that happened to be the last offer, with Allemany finding ways to appease Moussa. one of the ways was a short 'bridge' 2 yr contract with buy-out clause)
The fact that he accepted an offer that was well below what his agent wanted for him and what he cold have gotten elsewhere shows that the guy doesn't wanna leave at all

That's why I take the club-based leaks tonight with a grain of salt, knowing as well that they do not reflect at all the player's mind. I am pretty sure Moussa is orchestrating behind the scenes negotiations with PSG, making them active and threatening to activate the clause, so that his customer will get a better offer than what Allemany has already offered. Same for the sources stating they don't trust Deco. It could very well be a facade with the goal of making the club raise their renewal offer.

What about the club now?
The club wants above all not to sell at the release clause, but at a 80-100m price, which would be fair financially in their eyes and would help with capital gain and FFP. Any position that the clubs CATEGORICALLY doesn't want to sell him whatsoever is not true.
Xavi is the only one who 100% is AGAINST selling him, but all of Laporta Allemany Deco would sell if they believe they can't find an agreement with Moussa on wages.

First off, nobody has reported on the thoughts and intentions of Dembele himself because nobody knows what his thoughts are, besides his agent and probably his close family members. The journalists can only report on what they know from the club and their reactions, which seems to be quite unsettling by his possible departure. This is not out of nothing, say totally fabricated by PSG outlets or journalists, if it was it wouldn't have gone this far.

The very fact that it took that long last summer to finally renew him and the mere existence of that idiotic release clause said it all, that Dembele took the time to get what he wanted from the club and he clearly left a way out. If he was that committed to the club, I don't think it would have taken that long to renew, nor would he have asked for such a clause. I don't know why he didn't go to PSG or Chelsea (did Chelsea even want him back then?), again the fact of the matter is it took a long time for him to finally agree to renew and that says something about him. You can blame it all on his agent, sure he wields a big influence on Dembele but at the end of the day it is Dembele who says "yay" or "nay" to whatever his agent does.

This time around it could be his agent upping the ante to put pressure on the club for a better deal, however I don't think so, I think PSG genuinely wants him, now more than ever, after all they are losing Mbappe soon and they need more outlets for their attack game.

As to the claim that the club wants to sell him, of course nobody can categorically claim XXX is not for sale for any price, not even the likes of Pedri, Araujo etc. But Dembele's name has never been mentioned in any of the transfer rumors (like Frenkie's has been) and more importantly from the sporting perspective it makes no sense for the club to sell him when he is clearly relied upon, considering the length the club went through last summer to renew him.

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