Man of the Match 13/14 edition

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Cruijff's Heir
1. Valdes
2. Alba
3. Busquets

So few people mentioning Alba, wasn't expecting that. For me, together with Valdes the standout player.


New member
1. Pique - very solid on the back end didn't put a foot wrong today.

2. Masche - last ditch tackles were on point today. Crunched Costa a few times.

3. Messi - played only a half but had a glorious header just wide and a nice shot saved by Cortuios.


Senior Member
As expected, an excellent defensive battle by both sides, and a fair result. Perhaps not expected was the intensity with which Barça defended. Knowing Atletico never let up, they matched them with a complete group effort. Well done.

1. Pique - didn't give Costa any room.
2. Masch - right there with Pique, snuffing out attacks before they could build.
3. Pedro - most dangerous offensive player on the pitch. If a goal was going to come, it was going to involve Pedro.

Xavi - played his role well, as usual
Messi - had one good low shot in the box, well saved by Courtois
Iniesta - took a beating, but good work in the midfield battle
Valdes - took care of business when he had to

Most likely to give up a Atletico goal:
Busquets - when his confidence becomes arrogance, he's a liability. Gave up the ball twice in the first ten minutes being too casual. It took awhile for Barça to adjust to the Atletico pressure. Several players were guilty of letting a pass run into Atletico traffic, rather than quickly gathering the ball before advancing.

Other notes:
Thought the game was fairly well refereed, and both sides played intensely but respectfully.
A bit disappointed in Messi's off-ball movement. Had he made himself more available, he might have had more of an impact.
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