Lliga: Malaga - Barcelona 0-0


New member
True, although we can and should hope we learn from this and bounce back strongly and that it doesn't end up like last season where we made the same mistakes the entire year.

I think the team has looked promising this season and done better than last season and I hope this was just a one bad performance which we would have had anytime anyway and that we get back up asap.

this, Lucho has said even before the game that we have to improve even more, we'll see if he learns from his mistakes and manages to bring the hunger back, also the pressing which was obviously not there today


Very bad match. But at least we did not lose 4-2 to a mid table team and 3-2 to some Greek team. Cheer up people, we are still leading liga unbeaten and without a single goal conceding. Sure this match was horrible but it is not time to panic yet. See how Real have turned their tides and i think we can do that too.

We don't come close to their attacking options .... Pedro wouidn't get anywhere near their starting eleven IMHO

Kinda worrying that we can't score just ONE goal against Malaga whilst Real Madrid are gaining momentum , scoring EIGHTEEN in their last THREE games !


President of FC Barcelona
We don't come close to their attacking options .... Pedro wouidn't get anywhere near their starting eleven IMHO

Kinda worrying that we can't score just ONE goal against Malaga whilst Real Madrid are gaining momentum , scoring EIGHTEEN in their last THREE games !

Don't worry too much Zinc, don't worry YET.

And it doesn't really work that way though.


We don't come close to their attacking options .... Pedro wouidn't get anywhere near their starting eleven IMHO

Kinda worrying that we can't score just ONE goal against Malaga whilst Real Madrid are gaining momentum , scoring EIGHTEEN in their last THREE games !

Even real did had rough time. Ours in nothing compared to them. I am hoping we could make things work. Not many matches left before suarez comes and messi will be determined to perform next game i think. I am hoping iniesta will also improve then everything will come together. Credit must be given to Malaga for restricting us from playing attacking football. They played really well and we never looked like breaking their defense.


New member
So how are we suddnely worse then Real fucking Madrid? They are still 4 points behind us in 5 matches. They played mighty Elche and Deportivo (BTW worst fucking defense I have ever seen) and they beat them (but we have beaten Elche with 10 man too) comprehensivly but they also conceded quite alot and could've conceded more. On top of that just 3 weeks ago their attack looked like ours today, totally out of synce. Beating garbage Cordoba just barely even though it was 2:0 in the end.


New member
So how are we suddnely worse then Real fucking Madrid? They are still 4 points behind us in 5 matches. They played mighty Elche and Deportivo (BTW worst fucking defense I have ever seen) and they beat them (but we have beaten Elche with 10 man too) comprehensivly but they also conceded quite alot and could've conceded more. On top of that just 3 weeks ago their attack looked like ours today, totally out of synce. Beating garbage Cordoba just barely even though it was 2:0 in the end.

I agree, our defense is playing well, making only a few mistakes (we have not conceded goals so far in the season), our offense it's still in "construction", i think suarez will bring a new "joy" to the attack (i hope), Pedro in the last 2 seasons is decreasing form, he runs a lot but he is lacking in terms of production (assists, goals, ruptures).

Messi i don't think he played bad in this game, he had very little "game" in is feet, ofcourse he wasn't the "messi" we all know, but he didn't lost the ball, he tried to create something, thus the other players were just terrible.
Iniesta a player who doesn't play bad, today for a long time, he lost the ball many times and didn't make good decisions with the ball.
Other thing i'm not liking it's the crosses to the void...
That must be the coach instructions, it's not working at all, and we don't have a 'key' player in the area for those crosses, maybe with suarez could work, but now is just giving the ball for free to the opposite.

Regarding Real Madrid you are right, people have short memory, Elche and Deportivo, basilea... are a million milles below a team like madrid, i watched those games the defense is very poor...
If Real Madrid beat Villareal 8-something... then i take my "hat" off to them...

Finishing, i really hope our offense get it right, deffensively we are doing well... i believe our best players will step up there game.

Regards Barça fans ;)
Miguel from Portugal.
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Blaugrana Bull

The overreaction in here...
Yes, the performance was really bad and it was certainly not a joy to watch today's game but come on.
We have still not conceded any goal and top the league while having 4 points more than Real.

The pitch was a disgrace and the ref was horrible. There should have been a red card and that would have maybe brought us 3 points altough these should not count as excuses. I am just saying.

What I did not like: Lucho should have not played Douglas in such a game. He did quite ok but in one moment gave away possession cheaply just to commit a foul afterwards which could have costed us the game. Bravo got a bit lucky there.
Also the Neymar situation. If it was clear that he could not play for 90 minutes, he should have been used as a super sub again. I wrote that before the match too. Just give Sandro an opportunity as a starter because he is quite on fire at the moment and sub Ney in when the opposition is tired.

All in all it was a horrible performance but we should not worry too much about it. There were several things that came together and if we learn from such mistakes, it will make us even stronger. We still won a point and now have a hungry team that is ready to eat Granada alive in Camp Nou.


Active member
A big mistake was to play douglas because of him the complete right side was dead. I dont understand why we didnt buy a decent rb so thats the bill for that. 0 shots on target shows how big our problem is. Like last season it seems that our attack are not able to break a team which can defend. So what will happen if we play against a bigger side which defends better and attack better than malaga??? Yeah we will loose. I think every decent team will break us. We need more speed and tactical changes in our gameplay. I am hoping that suarez is the missing part we miss because there is a need of a real strinker.


New member
Only positive : our clean sheets continue!

That potato field didn't help our cause but still we should of challenged Kameni a bit more.


New member
Pathetic game is all I gotta say.. Lack of creativity on all fronts, specially in the midfield which forces Messi to drop back wayyy too much and now one left at top to finish it. When Luis Suarez joins the starting lineup I can see us doing this more and more but for now maybe Lucho should drop back Neymar and let him create and keep Messi as the finisher...

P.S. Please bench Pedro


Senior Member
We don't come close to their attacking options .... Pedro wouidn't get anywhere near their starting eleven IMHO

Kinda worrying that we can't score just ONE goal against Malaga whilst Real Madrid are gaining momentum , scoring EIGHTEEN in their last THREE games !

Pedro had two good seasons for this club, and that was well over 3 years ago. It's not like he's been pretty good the last three seasons, he's ranged anywhere from garbage to "did Pedro start? Ah, I didn't even realize he played".

Call him a necessary rotation player and say that he works hard, but he honestly contributes nothing. At least when Sanchez pressed he actually WON the ball back, Pedro just runs around at people- sure that's great and puts some pressure, but he is by no means at the level Sanchez was in that regard. The youngsters are in better form and have way more talent (Munir) and if told and given the chance will press just as hard. He needs to be benched.

Edit: Oh and Douglas was so disappointing. I don't think he took on a defender once; he didn't even dribble longer than 1 second down the line, period. He just held onto the ball, stopped then passed it backwards. Fucking useless signing. At least attempt to impress on your debut. No confidence and not even close to Barca class.
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Senior Member
I think Messi should've been subbed out and not Neymar. I can understand his frustration.

Plus, Iniesta and Rakitic were simply impotent today. Actually the whole team was quite mediocre.

Also, Douglas was horrible. If you guys noticed, in the 2nd half Malaga did most of their attacks from the right side, specifically targeting Douglas. A bit of a strange decision to start him in a league match.


New member
Came home from work at 2am and downloaded the match as I missed it due to work. Not often Barca make me go to sleep pisses off but tonight is one of those nights. I felt like I was watching a match from last season. Aimless/pointless crosses, trying to do the exact same passing routines time after time after time, at the same pace! No injection of speed with or without the ball, no penetration.

Malaga played well, they had a plan and they stuck to it, fair play to them, cliche thing to say but they 'wanted it more', they just had more desire and determination.

Was it 0 shots on target? A low number like that is not acceptable for a Barcelona team against ANYONE! There's nothing wrong with keeping the ball but you're not going to open organised teams up with pedestrian passes, ball has to be moved quicker, a lot quicker! But for that to work the players positioning, distances and shape of attacks needs to be improved dramatically.

The only 'excuses' an 'positive' I can take from this match is that the last 2 matches the conditions/pitch have been quite poor and that in a match like this maybe it's a point gained rather than 2 dropped (even though we expect Barcelona to win), maybe in previous years we would have lost this match by the odd goal.

Also how many crosses hit the first man? And when Barca have chance to counter attack they always seem to slow things down themselves, they should be going direct to goal asap, instead they gave Malaga chance to reorganise, very frustrating to watch. Really annoys me when the full backs get to a certain position near edge of the box an pass the ball back, the same action gets repeated time after time after time, I'd prefer the full back to be running onto the ball so as they can put in a first time cross (preferably a low one)

I'm just hoping that the whole system an way the team works improves, obviously Barca will be more threatening with Suarez back but I don't want to be relying on one player, the team needs to be flexible an be able to adapt to parked buses, it just can't be THAT difficult to change tactics/shape to try score against defensive teams, these players should be too good for them not to be able to!

Rant over, Goodnight!


Senior Member
Drawing is no big deal, it happens and will happen, normal completly. What worries me is the way we lost points. 0 shoots at goal, I had a feeling if we played for 500 mins we wouldn't score, only a fluke maybe. And that is now a trend in some games that First happened in Pep's last year then Tito, Tata and now (though for the first time) with Lucho.
I don't want to sound alarmed after one draw (I'm completely fine with it) but with 4 coaches now and same problem I start to ask myself is it our philosophy, style to blame? Having seen yesterday's match on TV (and you have much better view from TV then players have) i also couldn't see any space to operate. I trully can't blame anyone as I literary haven't seen any space to move. Of course if Messi managed to dribble 4 guys, or Iniesta was on fire or Ney it would be easier but that can not be our tactic.
We simply play one dimensional, and if things don't go our way trouble occurs. Nobody wants us to play counters, or anything else, we should play control football but sometimes, just sometimes change the rythm. This is were RM is the best in the world, they play in different pace throughout the match. I belive if you would put our attack trio (Messi, Ney and Suarez) in any other team in the world that team would be super strong, creating chances and scoring. Picture PSG, L'pool, Arsenal, Juve...whatever team. Yesterday even if Suarez was available I belive he would be hitting defensive wall and would have to "play" against 2-4 players always on him.
It can't be fluke that RM are scoring so many "easy" goals, most teams do that...I have a feeling ours (especially first goal) is always difficult action.
So my question is: if you imagine any team in the world with players like Iniesta, Busi, Ney, Messi, Suarez...(imagine them as individuals not part of any system), would that team play and score goals easier than we do now? SO is it out philosophy that need some changes, that needs to adapt?

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