Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
Yesterday?s game for Messi was actually an okay one. Plenty of others where he?s not been good enough. He gave a good chance to Braithwaite first half, he also provided the move that lead to the goal. If his name was Dembele and he ran 10mph quicker it would have been a circle jerk of how great he is based on that.

You can?t blame any of the attack yesterday. They were hamstrung by the defence creating a situation where they had to chase the game for the whole time and still we got a goal (even if flukey).

exactly, Messi wasnt that bad or at fault yesterday, it was our clown of a defence + MaTS

I've been saying it for a while now though, Messi is not worth even half of the wages we are paying him. the club is in financial ruins, paying a declining player aged 34 yr old the wages that only GOATmode-Messi would of been worthy of is like burning money. Messi's average games in the past where he looked uninterested would still see him get a goal or a few assists but these days? its sad to watch


This is pointless bickering. Team is shit with or without Messi, but the difference is that Messi guarantees stagnation and impossibility to start rebuilding process. He can't be benched. He can't be told where and how to play and everyone has to suck his dick. I'd rather skip a CL or two so that we can get our shit together with new management and players than pandering to Messi and his dick suckers, including fake Barca fans that will thankfully fuck off from here when he's gone.

therefore a true fan is one who shits on the head of a legend as soon as he stops pulling the wagon,
hoping that after a couple of disastrous years, Barcelona will magically return to the top of the world (no one knows on which basis).

In your opinion, in 10, 20, 50 years would it be better for the fans to celebrate a champion devoted to his jersey for his entire career or to celebrate his departure because "so we can buy time to rebuild the team"?

You have a somewhat short-sighted view of football support in these parts
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te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
"Messi lost the ball 29 times against Cadiz, following on from 27 against Alaves, 26 against Real Madrid and 23 against Atletico Madrid. In nine of the 13 games he has played this season he’s been the player to have lost the most balls."

Lionel "He wasn't that bad" Messi


"Messi lost the ball 29 times against Cadiz, following on from 27 against Alaves, 26 against Real Madrid and 23 against Atletico Madrid. In nine of the 13 games he has played this season he’s been the player to have lost the most balls."

Lionel "He wasn't that bad" Messi

curious that subtracting all the numbers you mentioned, the result that comes out is greater than the number of your neurons


Senior Member
therefore a true fan is one who shits on the head of a legend as soon as he stops pulling the wagon,
hoping that after a couple of disastrous years, Barcelona will magically return to the top of the world (no one knows on which basis).

In your opinion, in 10, 20, 50 years would it be better for the fans to celebrate a champion devoted to his jersey for his entire career or to celebrate his departure because "so we can buy time to rebuild the team"?

You have a somewhat short-sighted view of football support in these parts
Where do you get this? He should get all respect in the world for everything. I only speak about current reality of the club, which obviously needs to star rebuilding. Whether it will be successful or fast is irrelevant to the point. If Messi was the kind of veteran, who we could use like Betis uses Hoaquin, i would be okay with hims staying till the end of career, but alas.
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Senior Member
Can someone explain to me what the second goal has to do with our team pressing?

Messi had nothing to do with the 2nd goal as it was an individual mistake by both Lenglet and MATs. Had nothing to do with the 1st goal as it was again an individual mistake.

He had everything to do with not finishing the 1st half leading 1-3 because of his ineffective chaotic and random positioning that prevented the team from effectively penetrating Cadiz's deep block ,and because of his non-existent pressing that gave them the opportunity to start counters instead of Barca recovering the ball outside of the box.

Are these reasons enough??

Where do you get this? He should get all respect in the world for everything. I only speak about current reality of the club, which obviously needs to star rebuilding. Whether it will be successful or fast is irrelevant to the point. If Messi was the kind of veteran, who we could use like Betis uses Hoaquin, i would be okay with hims staying till the end of career, but alas.

You are talking reason to people that do not know where reason lives.
Deluded to the core and having substituting thinking process in their minds with emotional religious responses of a zealot.

The sooner Messi leaves, when they will suddenly cease to support Barca and start supporting City or PSG (LMAO), the better for this forum
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Senior Member
Messi had nothing to do with the 2nd goal as it was an individual mistake by both Lenglet and MATs. Had nothing to do with the 1st goal as it was again an individual mistake.

He had everything to do with not finishing the 1st half leading 1-3 because of his ineffective chaotic and random positioning that prevented the team from effectively penetrating Cadiz's deep block ,and because of his non-existent pressing that gave them the opportunity to start counters instead of Barca recovering the ball outside of the box.

Are these reasons enough??

You are talking reason to people that do not know where reason lives.
Deluded to the core and having substituting thinking process in their minds with emotional religious responses of a zealot.

The sooner Messi leaves, when they will suddenly cease to support Barca and start supporting City or PSG (LMAO), the better for this forum

I saw plenty of easy chances missed but not from Messi. I saw him creating our only goal and other good opportunities. Then we, again for the zilionth time, conceed an absurdly funny goal and are not able to convert again. Messi gets more and more tired and everyone else goes into hiding mode, as always, when things go South. Only now Messi can't bail us out anymore in the 90th minute and we have no other star players left to do it.


Senior Member
we have lost 3 games so far because of stupid mistakes by Defense / GK.
Did Messi cause those mistakes?

Team scored 3 and 4 goals without Messi in the last two matches.

Maybe we would have scored 3-4 again and win inspite of mistakes from our defense.

It is obviously that a team struggles AS A TEAM in attacking sense, movement, creativity, versatility when MESSI plays and when other teammates turn to braindead zombies who aren't moving or shooting but just passing to him all the time.
And then he is trying dumb, forced and illogical heroballs and solo actions.

That is similar to: Suarez was not guilty becsuse our defense conceded 4 against Liverpool and 3 against Roma.
Well, he wasn't helping either with 5 years of horrible away CL performances.

Btw, Messi has 64 shots for Barca this season and 2 goals from an open play.
Since one of those two goals was against Betis with 10 men, it means that he has around 60 shots and 1 goal from an open play vs 11 men.

If we add shots with Argentina, that is 70-80 shots vs 11 men for 1 single goal.
Is that a world record?
I joked once that he went from GOAT to WOAT, but that joke and his shooting stats aren't that funny anymore.

With those stats it is hard to claim that he is not guilty for defeats.
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Senior Member
Added to all that the fact that (I forgot to mention) he is No 1 in possession losses.

See the whole picture of that (if you are not a Messi blind-irrational zealot) and try to reasonably argue that he is not burdening the team.
Not ONLY he is burdening, but he is STALLING any progress and the few improvements that Koeman has acheived.


Senior Member
Is Messi the problem? Or is the lack of good coach a problem? Everton fans all predicted this as Koeman did the exact same to their club.

Valverde would know what to do.


Senior Member
Jury is not out on Koeman yet, don't rush.

We suffered 2.5 years with Valverde and you want to conclude on Koeman after 6 months?
While - by the way - he already plays (despite DONE Messi 90 min on the pitch) better football than all the football Ernie played in 2.5 years?

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