FC Barcelona: Win of the youth system


Senior Member
Been spending a lot of time at work watching these La Masia youtube comps. I like this guy Juan Hernandez a lot. 16 year old AM. Has a nice grace to him.



Senior Member
He didn't get as much attention as our Spanish players but congrats to Juvenil B CB Andrea Natali who has just won U17 Euro with Italy.

Club has also renewed some of the most promising players from the Cadet A team (born in 2008).

The Sabadell goalkeeper Iker Rodríguez, the Granada midfielder Pedro Rodríguez, the Galician interior Pedro Fernández, the Barcelona interior Adam Argemí and the Barcelona left-back Lorenzo Oertli, all 16 years old, have stopped by the club offices to sign their new contracts for their youth stage in the company of the director responsible for grassroots football, Joan Soler, and the sports director of the quarry, José Ramon Alexanco.


Senior Member
He didn't get as much attention as our Spanish players but congrats to Juvenil B CB Andrea Natali who has just won U17 Euro with Italy.

+ Starter for the U17 Euro winner
+ 1.86m tall
+ Can play DMC

- Italian. May literally be a choirboy.


Gone under the radar. Wonder why he hasn't been moved as quickly as the rest of our CBs. Probably ends up back in Italy sooner than later.


Senior Member
Off to Bayer apparently.

Was about to post. Reported from Di Marzio so pretty much done I'd say. Contract up in summer and coming off a good Euro. Not much to think about.

I'm going through his highlights from the Euro and it is absolutely clear that this guy shouldn't be in the Juvenil B. It seems we mismanaged this talent (or had renewal issues and didn't push him) because he looks better than anyone in the Juvenil A and a few guys given minutes in the B.

Obviously we are not going to miss him too much given our CB depth and overbooking, but I'm really surprised we curbed this guy.

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