
We have a very good starting 11, but that's it. Our current substitutes are not good enough, and this places a heavy burden on the starters.
Also makes rotation problematic. But what changed so much from last season? Is it just tiredness?
Adriano, Douglas, Roberto, Rafinha, Bartra and Vermalaen are not good enough to be starters now. If some of them will improve in the future is a different point.
The last windows brought in great players in Suarez, Rakitic, Bravo, MAtS. But failed big time incorporating players like Douglas and Vermaelen. 2 signings that, if had been done properly, the current problem wouldn't exist. So many possitions overlooked. Adriano stopped being a good sub for Alba a while ago, but he's still here. Meanwhile, Grimaldo is ignored, and Adriano gets renewed.
Mathieu can be a good squad player, but he also isn't starter material.
There are currently 5 Cb's in the squad, but only 2 can really be trusted. Midfield is the same problem. I wish Samper could get a chance to see if he can do it, or if he's Roberto 2.0. If Bob gets chances, why not him too?
Iniesta has been irregular the past 2 seasons. He's still great, especially in big matches, but quite inconsistent through out the season. Rakitic also has some stamina problems. Until January, when Arda is available, I think this will be a big problem. I really can't see Rafinha or Roberto stepping up.
Busquets also doesn't have an adequate substitute, nor does Pique. Looking at the depth of other big clubs squads, I can't help but feel there wasn't an adequate planning for the ban.
/rant over.