CL | 1/4 Final: FC Barcelona - FC Bayern Munich 2-8


President of FC Barcelona
In a way it's good that we're underdogs. No one are expecting us to win. Might actually let some of these mental midgets like Alba play freely.


Active member
I'm not sure how we win this game, I think we have too many flaws in our defensive game and haven't got the players to dominate the games like we had in years gone by!

Considering how we faded physically in the second half against Napoli, I can see us conceding 2 goals in second half.

Ter Stegan will have to have the game of his live to keep us in with a chance.


Well-known member
4 4 2 Diamond won't cut the Bayernamel

Impotent like a rat in reduced gravity and we should aim for a min of 3 goals. Sit back and we get ripped. Only team they failed to score on was Nagelmann's Leipsig (I think). Otherwise, this fast team score for fun no matter even against well drilled defensive teams.

Best strategy for us is 4 3 3, using our fastest players and max subs:

1st half







2nd half






They know, we know, everyone knows we can't press them like before so we'll have to do our best to control the tempo through accu-passing. Hopefully tire them out as these guys press like madmen. They'll give us no respect and use highliners, maybe maybeline, so that's our in. Have the speedsters (Alba, Firpo, Ricki, Ansu, Sem, Bob, secret weapon Bouzeman?) make the runs and have the precision passers (Leo, Frenkie, Busi, Bob) find them.

In that scenario, we could be inside their defense, the wingers could either dribble into box and draw pens or cut back to the center. Once in, we should take as many shots at goal as possible (even from outside the box). We could always get a deflection or a handball hehe).

Defense wise, we gotta double up on their speedy wingers and never have both Alba and Sem go up at the same time. When 1 of them goes up, CDM remains in the safe zone so as to always have at least 4 in defense.

It's risky cuz we never played it but that would be my gameplan!

following day: either coach snowy is a HERO or they make him walk the plank :pirate:

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
He played 1 good game in off season against AM?

He didn't play only 1 good game. He was amongst the best players in all games where he featured bar the Osasuna loss and that cup game where everyone was terrible. Come on, you saw it yourself. Puig is a better choice for a diamond than Griezmann is in that CAM position at the very least.


Active member
well, obviously first thought..we will get crushed, they are miles ahead in terms of physicality/fitness and that makes them favorites...those 7-0 memories haunting us.

I remember that 7-0, i remember the bullshit foul muller made on alba that caused a goal, i remember us freezing, as no one served us that kind of lesson. They did not play that good than, they got away with shit and scored more than they should.

This time, things are a bit different, we got sent crashing out of ucl before, we dont feel the pressure as much and if we dont crash phisically quickly, well...might be closer than some smug germans think...


Senior Member
In a way it's good that we're underdogs. No one are expecting us to win. Might actually let some of these mental midgets like Alba play freely.

It's only good if we won't get hammered. It's up to the team to show this heavy underdogs tag we've been handed by pretty much everyone, including Barca fans, is exaggerated. If they fall flat on their ass and lose 1-5 or 0-4 they will prove everyone right and will show us they're done.


Well-known member
In a way it's good that we're underdogs. No one are expecting us to win. Might actually let some of these mental midgets like Alba play freely.

Nevertheless its embarrassing for a big club like Barcelona to be an underdog. We should be always favourites. This shows how much Barto destroyed Fc Barcelona.


Senior Member
He played 1 good game in off season against AM?

Arthur dominated for Months and turned out to be a bum. So, what can you say after 2-3 off season matches?

Regarding Puig, this is a current situation:
1) if Raki and Busi will play, and if we lose, we'll have to read for years how Puig should have played (the same as with a mighty Arthur on Anfield)
2) if Raki and Busi will play and we win, people will again ask for Puig
3) if Puig will play and we lose, he won't be guilty. Him, Fati and Frenkie will be last on a pecking order of scapegoats
4) if Puig will play and we win, he will earn a credit for the next 100 years

So, you see, we are again in a state of an infinite loop on a forum where a forum favorite can't be wrong, no matter if we win or lose.
The same applies for Frenkie and Fati.

So, excuse me if I won't reply to all posts.
I'll just point to this loop created by desperate fans since we have been here 100s times already and we'll be in it till the end of time (with new 2-3 players each season).

** Out of fun, I need to ask Gnidrologist this question: since we had this discussion about Arthur 100 of times while he was "hyped" here.
So Gnidro, what is your final verdict of Arthur?
Were you wrong about him for years or what happened?
As for main argument we can say you employ the same roundabout rhetoric. No matter if win or lose or how terribly we play, old dodderers should be chosen above anyone else, because everyone else is a) schoolboy b) short/weak c) lacks experience. The actual performances of anyone gets ignored and when some of the non-geriatrics play a good match it doesn't count because it was against scrubbs/off season/at Camp nou/against weakened side/against side that doesn't nee anything etc. etc.
How about we actually play guys that are currently on form, even if they have showed that form just recently and bench players that play like sacks of shit. Is that some revolutionary idea that is too risky for our old men club?

This extends partially to Arthur. Although i also was expecting him to improve more on his vertical play, which he at times showed, i feel he never developed confidence in himself to have more ballzy and pro active involvement. Whether that was due to his limitations or our incompetent board/managers or both, will be for us to see later on. I don't have definitive position on that. However it was obvious that he he just as team as a whole were constantly mismanaged, most typical examples of that was that him and many other players were just randomly benched after having great performances, while the living dead amigos put back as starters no matter what. That fore sure didn't help any of our newcomers develop their confidence, chemistry and game rhythm and it probably created toxic atmosphere, when no matter what you do, the old guard will get coddled at the expense of newcomers. That concerns many players, not only Arthur the fact we are supposed to consider bunch of anemic 30+ year old certified bottler as inevitable starters despite one crap performance after another, is appalling. Ho and now with another 30 year old mediocrity coming to replace Arthur wen will surely be juggernauts in Europa. That's just genius deal. Just need to replace schoolboy De Jong with Matic or something and we're set for glory.


Active member
Nevertheless its embarrassing for a big club like Barcelona to be an underdog. We should be always favourites. This shows how much Barto destroyed Fc Barcelona.

I dont agree that we should "always be favourites" but we should never be this much the underdog, like I'm thinking a big defeat is 50/50 and a win for us is 1 in 5 which is a sad state of affairs for our club.
Poor recruitment for a number of years coming back to haunt us now.


Well-known member
I dont agree that we should "always be favourites" but we should never be this much the underdog, like I'm thinking a big defeat is 50/50 and a win for us is 1 in 5 which is a sad state of affairs for our club.
Poor recruitment for a number of years coming back to haunt us now.

Yeah let it be alteast 50/50. The gap now is too big for a team like Barcelona.


New member

I am a bayern fan from Germany and as there have been barca fans in our German forum, I would like to tell you what I think about the upcoming match if you are interested.

First of all, I can assert that every Bayern fan I talked to does NOT believe that this is gonna be an easy match for us. I would still say that this is a 50/50 match, especially as it is only one leg. I even have a feeling that you are going through simply due to Messi and I still worry about Suarez a lot. Even though he did not perform the way he is actually able to, in one match everything is possible and he still has the class in himself. Last year we dropped out against Liverpool and we played absolutely horribly under Kovac. Yet we managed to play 0-0 at Anfield and with a bit of luck, we might have won the game - simply because in one game everything is possible.

I expect the main duels to be Davies against Messi and our midflied against yours. Davies had an absolutely outstanding season. Nevertheless, he also had games where he was struggling a bit against quick players just like Diaby from Leverkusen in the cup final. The way he plays as left back is extremly offensive. That might be a real chance for us as Messi is not really defending at the box for you but on the other hand there might be a lot of space for Messi in case that Davies does not get back in time. Messi will surely use that space a lot more clever than any other player before and this might become a huge problem for Bayern.
It is a huge loss for Bayern that Pavard is out against you. Might sound a bit weird as he is not a spectecular player but due to his injury Kimmich cannot play as CDM. With Kimmich and Thiago we were a lot more dominant in my opinion even though we did not lose a single match with Kimmich and Goretzka when Thiago was injured before corona. Goretzka is not the kind of possession player I would have liked to have in midfield against you to really hold possession and create chances. Vidal will also be extremly motivated against his former club - I remember him playing for us against his former club Juve in 2016 and he was probably the best player in both legs. He has this mentalaty to play a lot better just because it is a big game.
One problem we also have is Coman. He did not manage to do anything against Liverpool last year against Atletico in 2016 and so on. In big games against great defenders like Robertson or Felipe Luis he hardly ever manages to get past them as he always does the same: Put the ball forward and run. Semedo and Alba might defend him just as well - as I heard Semedo played really well against Napoli.

Apaprt from those player duels I would say that our team simply plays better together at the moment. Nevertheless, with a lead for you it would definitely be very unpleasant for us.

Anyway, I hope it is gonna be a great match and that no one is gonna get injured by friday. So fair play!


Active member
Football goes in cycles. You can't be favourite every year or 50/50. Some years you are just not as good.

It does go in cycles but we have had the greatest player of all time in our team and post 2015 he has had to carry the team every year. If the club had been run better he would have had better players around him to excel. We haven't made the most of what an unbelievable player we had on our hands.

One thing I struggle to understand is why the club never seemed to sort out the defense over the years when we had a good midfield and attack. Now our attack is not scoring the goals to make up for the defensive problems we have had for many years.

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