9 - Robert Lewandowski


Junior Member
It's very obvious to me what's happening. He's tasked to do more than he did at Bayern and his body can't keep up.


Senior Member
BTW... In case if Leo returns... He needs to be shipped out. Urgently.

If not, we have another old Suarez + Leo situation.


Senior Member

He's right

Lewa got no service

Doesn't mean he didn't play like shit tho


President of FC Barcelona
I said this a couple of weeks ago, but even when he's gotten clear chances he's whiffed most of them post-WC.

So yes he need service because he's not the type of player to create something on his own, at least not anymore, but even when he's gotten service he has been terrible for us since the re-start.


Senior Member
What kind of service does he need? He saw plenty of the ball and missed it instantly every time. He missed runs of players, didn't complete a single 1-2, missed a game changing 1v1 in the last minute. What is this magical "service" he doesn't get?


Senior Member
Xavi is asking him to press like he is in mid 20s then looks fucked by time ball comes to him.

More cases of Xavi not buying players that fit how he tries to play.

Asking 34 yr old to press liike a maniac, asking wide players to play isolated touchline football who never have and a 60m CB at RB.

What a colossal waste of money for what club needed at that time and it being the one chance to spend like that for years.


Senior Member
World cup game at a terrible time for him, he's been off since but will still end the season with 35 goals.

Probably the same next season too, need a replacement after.

Not really fussed about him not showing up when it matters, I been told the forum this a long time ago, never expected anything from him in games like these.

Almost score though lol.


Do people forget that this guy, in his prime, was a passenger in most of Bayern's big CL moments? As impressive as his stats were, you can count on one hand the number of times he decided a tie or dragged Bayern back into a game that was slipping away from them.

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