João Félix


Senior Member
For 30m he is great. No sure we can do much better currently anyway. If we offload Ferran and Rapha and replace them with a proper RW it's all good.


Senior Member
Don't think ATM will accept 25-30 even 40mill. His current market value is 50mill and Atletico payed for him 127.2mill and read Atletico currently wants around 75mill for him.


Senior Member
Staff member
Don't think ATM will accept 25-30 even 40mill. His current market value is 50mill and Atletico payed for him 127.2mill and read Atletico currently wants around 75mill for him.
1. Nobody is going to pay 75m
2. He only wants Barca
3. We made them favours before with likes of Griezmann whom we sold for peanuts

Worst case he's loaned out for another year.


Well-known member
Barca bought Griezmann for 120(?)M and gifted them Griezmann back on a cheap.

Of course they want more, but that's not realistic in their position.

Not even mentioning Villa and Suarez, who guaranteed them two titles. Time to return the favor and sell Felix to Barca for a rabatted price.

Barca has the negotiation power. Felix wasn't so extraordinary that he is a must buy as things look now (still lots of games to play though) . It's more a 'we want him, but we don't need him. Let's hope it turns out well for Felix who has burned bridges with Atletico.


Senior Member
Barca never did Atleti any favours that would be getting returned.

Felix for 30m if keeps a level is decent value... but the issue is if have that money to spend and could pay 20m more for Nico etc and get in the pace the team badly needs up top.

In isolation he is decent but the money could be better spent for what team needs.


Senior Member
Barca never did Atleti any favours that would be getting returned.

Felix for 30m if keeps a level is decent value... but the issue is if have that money to spend and could pay 20m more for Nico etc and get in the pace the team badly needs up top.

In isolation he is decent but the money could be better spent for what team needs.

Nico has a 50m clause?


Well-known member
Laporta: ''Felix and Cancelo playing at a very high level since they are here. Our goal is to keep both and we have a good relationsship to City and Atletico. We will start the negotiations soon.''

Iniesta Ultra

Senior Member
Barca never did Atleti any favours that would be getting returned.

Felix for 30m if keeps a level is decent value... but the issue is if have that money to spend and could pay 20m more for Nico etc and get in the pace the team badly needs up top.

In isolation he is decent but the money could be better spent for what team needs.

yeah let's enable gimpball with Nico


Senior Member
Worst of the lot if you ask me. At least Raphina has his robust runs and Lewy a goal.

Hopefully we don’t try to settle for him. He’s just okay, but still plenty of time to show his worth.


Well-known member
Would only get him on another loan if we don’t have the money for a real LW. Otherwise he can stay at Atletico forever for all I care.

1 good game 10 stinkers.


Well-known member
He needs to realise that this isn't a feel good highschool musical summer camp. He needs to work harder for the club to actually pay money for him.


Senior Member
Yeah he needs to realize this is not Atletico Madrid or Chelsea, this is FC Barcelona.

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