10 - Lionel Messi - v5


Well-known member
Dembelé-Suárez-Messi or Cou-Suárez-Messi. Leo can still play on the wing.

I'd play him on the wing right now if I could.

But you remember Lucho's last season?

He simply won't play on the wing and it will not work.


Well-known member
Why do you think that Suárez can't play as a CF in 4-3-3?

He can but Messi wont play RW over a whole season. Valverde adjusted everything to get a player on the right side because Leo leaves his position there all the time and he can't defend.

If Messi was playing on the Wing (doesn't have to be glued to the sideline but he can't play as a nr 10 like he did the last season with Lucho) that would solve all of our problems regarding formations but i don't think thats a real possibility.
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Senior Member
I think he'll perform brilliantly, as per, but score less, maybe even a lot less, unless we can provide a midfield platform for him; and as a consequence he'll end up slated again by reactive morons, of which this forum in particular possesses many. Personally I think it's amazing he's scored as he has in recent seasons, considering how deep he's had to play. Of course the vast majority of people, even those who watch him it seems, fail to take this into consideration, and thus judge him based on expectations which are almost farcically unreflective of his evolved role.

PS - This isn't to imply he's beyond criticism. He simply has to do more off the ball. Especially now he's lost that burst which made his dribbling basically like a cheat code. Sad to say his feet in general aren't as quick as they were, and he's become too reliant on his genius, like a beautiful girl who neglects their personality to the point that when finally they need it, their looks now insufficient, it's too late. Put simply he needs to mix it up more, make runs off the ball, and go on his right foot too. Until the goal against Nigeria I can't remember the last time he trusted his right foot like that, instead he's always checking back which opposing defenders have come to expect. Anyway, that's my long convoluted answer to your simple question, for what it's worth. :lol: Or in a word: hopefully, ha ha.

Seeing as barça wont buy another top forward like Griezmann but instead another midfielder, Messi will remain barça's main goalscorer so i see no reason to think he won't score at least as much as this season, and hopefully as much as in 2016-17 if he receives more help from midfield now that Coutinho is more integrated.


Senior Member
People like Jamdav should read this dozen times to really get it through his thick baldy head, but we all know he is a guy with a personal agenda against Messi.

Haha personal agenda as say he was poor in this WC.

Not bald my man. Have luscious thick locks so yet another L for you.

Go start a twitter campaign telling the world how Barca should have signed Munian instead of Coutinho you irrelevance.


New member
Messi needs to stay at RW in big games. his central position is limiting him and is stagnant as hell. At least in RW, he drifts inwards and is less predictable for the defenders to track him.


New member
What about

Coutinho - Saurez - Dembele
( Messi )
Busi - Rakitic

Or...is that a big no-no?

Busi and Rakitic together is too slow. They cant co-exist.

I dont know. We probably need a Busi back-up, someone who is more dominant in terms of physicality and workrate. Time to embrace modern football.
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Senior Member
There are 4 options.

1. He moves to (A)MF and starts running. 2x of the current movement rate. I think this is the best option, considering current squad.
2. He moves to RW. And starts running. Coutinho to AM, Dembele to LW.
3. He moves to false 9, with Suarez on the bench. And starts running.
4. He stays as a secondary striker in 4-4-2. And starts running.

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